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World Premiere of Zesto Audio's Andros Deluxe Phonostage

Thousand Oaks, CA, September 24, 2018 - Zesto Audio is pleased to announce the world premiere of their newest product, the Andros Deluxe Phonostage. This product will debut at the annual Rocky Mountain Audio Festin Denver, Colorado USA, October 5-7, 2018 in exhibit room 7009 at the Marriott Tech Center.

The Andros Deluxe Phonostage is an exciting blend of Zesto’s award winning Phonostages, taking the very best attributes from both. It’s developed from the same footprint of the Andros 1.2 Phonostage and many of the internal features of the Andros Tèssera Phonostage, yet maintaining its own unique sonic personality.

George Counnas, owner and chief design engineer for Zesto Audio admits “I’ve always loved designing Phonostages, but now you can really hear the passion.” George continues, “Because of the success of the other phonostages, I was especially excited to take the circuit design and extensive grounding schemes to a whole new level.”

One of the unique features is an entirely new output circuit design that is based on the 12DW7 tube to drive the balanced output transformers. The main printed circuit board is dual-mono for better stereo separation. The input circuit incorporates the large, high quality built in MC step-up transformers that are used in the Tèssera. The Andros Deluxe is built with a passion for Analog, designed with 100% tube circuitry and no solid state devices anywhere in the signal path.

The tube compliment is a pair of gold pin, high gain, low noise 12AX7’s and a pair of gold pin, high current, low noise 12DW7’s.

Some of the other features are the 10 position MC loading “on the fly”, 2 gain settings for both MM and MC and ground switches to eliminate hum.

Please click here to see a Comparison between Andros 1.2, the Andros Tèssera, and the Andros Deluxe.

George Counnas is the founder, president and design engineer for Zesto Audio. He has loved music all his life and went from a musician, to an electronics engineer, to an audio engineer. As a young man in England, in his first shop class project he built a tonearm. Later in college he designed vacuum tube circuits and his first amplifier. He worked for DECCA Navigator (now Raytheon), at the time Britain's largest electronics company, as part of the research and development team designing airborne navigational systems for the Royal Air Force. George brings to Zesto Audio the unique set of talents of not only designing, creating and manufacturing the highest build quality of high-end electronic equipment, but also as an audio engineer, he knows how great music should sound.

Zesto Audio was established in 2010 in Thousand Oaks, California. Zesto Audio is a manufacturer of fine analog audio electronics, specializing in vacuum tube technology. Their award winning products include the Andros 1.2 and Tèssera Phonostage, the Andros Allasso Step Up Transformer, the Leto Line Amp, the Bia 120 Stereo Power Amp, and the Eros 300 Monoblocks.

All Zesto Audio products are "Made in the USA"

The Andros Deluxe retails for US $6,900 and is sold through authorized dealers.For more information and detailed specs, please go to our website: www.zestoaudio.com


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