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ETHER's just that F____in' Great

I love it when people get their "sheeple" on, especially in a niche group. One person says something isn't comfortable, and ten hours later there's a thread somewhere reaching out to this headphone company, addressing the clamping force issue on that user's set of cans. Users justifiably request better padding in the headband.

JADED: Thoughts on Sennheiser Momentums

I mentioned the Sennheiser Momentums that uncle Mikey lent me in my Audioquest Dragonfly review at OccupyHifi.org. I promised I would talk about them some more; so here's that article I know you've been dying for.

JADED - Audioquest Dragonfly

The first time I listened to music with the Dragonfly was with a pair of Audeze LCD-XCs and a SubPac S2 Tactile Bass Ssytem! It sounded great, and the SubPac made it so much better. I've been using the Dragonfly with a pair of Sennheiser HD7s (with cushion pads) - and I'll be talking about them more soon.

Sonic Satori's Aural Indulgences Vol.1

Aight... (like "alright" in Brooklyn-slang) Time for a new sorta' Top Ten List here at Positive Feedback. We gotta slap some Sonic Satori flava on this one. First off however, I've got to give shout-outs to Dr. D (a.k.a David Robinson) for coming up with a kick-ass word that spawned the title (Aural—as it was initially called the... Read More »

The Passing Of a Legend - Harry Pearson... From the Heart of Michael Mercer

It is with heavy hearts that we must share with you the sad news of the passing of a legendary man. Last night, the evening of November 4th, Harry Hall Pearson Jr. passed away peacefully in his home in Sea Cliff, NY, at the age of 77.

Ether Re-defines the Planar Headphone Experience

When I speak about meeting Dan Clark of MrSpeakers I often talk about buying his original Mad Dog headphones without even listening to em! I was at one of our Los Angeles Head-Fi Meets a couple years ago, and my friend Jude Mansilla (Founder of Head-Fi.org) went to his booth and bought a pair. All I needed to hear was that the MD were a pair of closed-back planar magnetic headphones - and since Jude bought em on the spot, I figured they were good. Well, Jude was on as usual. Not only did Dan Clark give me a wonderful gift: The planar magnetic headphones experience without bothering others around me - they're also a damn good pair a' cans!

Had Enough CRAZY? Monetizing WITH YOU

Lets prove em' wrong. Many people think quality appreciators are snobs. Now, if you are a dweeby-snob get the fuck off my page - or, rather, STAY ON IT - But the truth is many of us MUSIC ADDICTS are tired of the ol' school high end audio BULLSHIT. I'm not interested in debate over this either. Truth is: I worked for the man, and most importantly, I honored the man who coined the fuckin' term. GET OVER IT. I have!

The Democratization of Hi-fi Through Personal Audio Part One

I missed the golden age of stereo, I've said it before and that really sucks. By the time I got a job at Pearson Publishing, home of The Absolute Sound magazine in 1994 (where other mags also lived, like The Perfect Vision & Films in Review) the party was nearing its end.

Ethan Wolf: Our Man in Sweden Part I - How it All Began

As personal audio enthusiasts, most of us have a decent portable rig to get us through the day.

Occasionally, it becomes our only rig for days (or weeks) at a time during business trips or vacations. However, we always sleep soundly knowing that we'll come home to our reference rigs - eventually - where bliss awaits. But what if there was no home rig to come back to?

Just a Live DJ Mix: ALL VINYL... NO Edits/Fixes - Underground Tech

Don't forget to hit SAVE while writing a new blog - Learned that lesson the Hard-Way JUST NOW!! I had a whole thing typed and ready - w/ a link to the mix of mine and everything.

Didn't Feel the Shift? Really?

Seriously: Still denying the "paradigm shift" in consumer culture? Forget that I used the damn terminology. Forget that I have some sort of twisted-back-door stake in being right about this shit.

Shlohmo Drops Rhythmic Knowledge on Dark Red

Shlohmo's got the Midas touch. Lemme just say it straight outta the gate. I think the guy's a musical genius. Why? If I could encapsulate that answer for you here I don't think he would've achieved genius-status to begin with!

Girls Girls Girls

We need to engage more women into high performance headphone culture. The biggest question is: How the hell do we accomplish that? We know that girls/women love music too, plus: They hear far deeper into the high frequencies than we do! I'm all for an open-discussion on how we can get together and accomplish this . Thankfully we already have some dedicated female enthusiasts in Hi-fi and personal audio already - so perhaps we get with them to make a plan.

Ethan Wolf: Our Man in Sweden Part I - How it All Began

As personal audio enthusiasts, most of us have a decent portable rig to get us through the day. Occasionally, it becomes our only rig for days (or weeks) at a time during business trips or vacations. However, we always sleep soundly knowing that we'll come home to our reference rigs - eventually - where bliss awaits. But what if there was no home rig to come back to?

Review: Matrix M-Stage HPA-2

Matrix Audio is a Chinese manufacturer of amps and DACs that have garnered global praise in the last few years. The original M-Stage was their breakout hit in the West. It caused some waves on Head-Fi (lots of heavy discussions) with its stellar performance and optional DAC addition

Ethan Wolf: Our Man in Sweden Part II - Expectations

A new life awaited me. From everything that I've read, this would be an entirely new lifestyle, one that that wasn't about working the extra hours towards more money, one that focused on enjoying life to the fullest extent possible. And, for me, one filled with excitement

Review: Matrix Mini-I Pro

The moment the Matrix Audio Mini-i Pro landed on our doorsteps and we took a listen, we knew that you guys (our readers) had to hear about it

The Passing Of a Legend - Harry Pearson... From the Heart of Michael Mercer

It is with heavy hearts that we must share with you the sad news of the passing of a legendary man. Last night, the evening of November 4th, Harry Hall Pearson Jr. passed away peacefully in his home in Sea Cliff, NY, at the age of 77
