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Jennifer Warnes Shootout - Famous Blue Raincoat, The Hunter, and The Well

This was a fun project. The original genesis was realized from dozens of emails from various readers over the last twelve months in response to some of my most recent hardware reviews. When trying to explain a point or what they were hearing in their own system, the references were often a track from one... Read More »

Stein Music E-Pads in Pure Copper, Silver, and Gold: World Premiere Review

The workhorse of the Stein Music tweaks has been, and continues to be the Stein E-Pad, a truly excellent and predictable way of precisely dampening vibration in critical components and speakers. The E-Pad put Stein on the map in America and opened the door wide for his ingenious components and other system controls, like the superb Harmonizers. Though... Read More »

Audioengine A5+ Wireless Powered Loudspeakers

I have a fairly long history with Audioengine loudspeakers and products; in my book, they're some of the most well-designed, well-constructed, and best-sounding powered speakers and ancillary products on the market. The level of technology employed in their designs approaches the current state-of-the-art, especially when you consider the ridiculously low MSRPs of many of Audioengine's... Read More »

Ortofon Cadenza Blue Cartridge

Over the years a wide array of cartridges have passed through my reference system. While I cannot claim to have had serious relationships with designs from every cartridge manufacturer in our hobby, I have listened extensively to products from Dynavector, Shelter, Sumiko, Koetsu, Transfiguration, Benz Micro, and more than a handful of others. Over the... Read More »

Prism Sound Callia DAC - Another Visitation

This was not going to be my review piece. I'd heard Prism Sound's Callia at shows for several years. Each time I heard their demonstration, it was with ATC, a speaker I'm intimately familiar with. I've owned four pairs and reviewed three other models more over twenty years, consequently "show discoveries" about ATC speakers are... Read More »

Tekton Design Impact Monitors

Click over to Tekton Design's website and one could infer that I have quit my job, given away all possessions, and joined the church of Tekton in Utah. Of course, I did none of the aforementioned but, with its 99dB of sensitivity, Tekton Design's towering Double Impacts revealed an alternate path to aural enlightenment for... Read More »

Lessloss C-MARC Power Cord and C-MARC 75 Ohm S/PDIF Digital Cable

The other day a friend of mine with keen ears, though not an audiophile, walked into my living room system and said "Hmmm… you changed something, I am hearing much more bass, more dynamic slam and less sizzle on top." Well then. Me, somewhat stumped as I was scratching my head trying to think of... Read More »

Cuerdas Cubanas, Toomai String Quintet - The Music of Brito, Castro, Lecuona, López, Morales, and Moré

Cuerdas Cubanas, Toomai String Quintet. CD and downloads available at CDbaby.com. TT: 30.55 López: A Gozar con mi Combo. Lecuona: Gitanerías; Zambra Gitana; Andalucía; En Tres por Cuatro; La Comparsa*; Danza Lucumí. Castro: No Encuentro Palabras*. Moré: Bonito y Sabroso*. Brito: Cómo fue*. Morales: Dame Bururu*. (*with Alina Roitstein, singer; all selections arranged by Andrew Roitstein)... Read More »

Grado Lineage Series - Aeon Phono Cartridge World Premiere Review

For the first time ever, I present my reviewer's high-end balance sheet. ROI (Return on Investment in High-end Audio) Grado Epoch Cartridge: $12,000 "State of the Art" Grado Aeon Cartridge: $6000 "85% Overall Performance of Epoch" Savings selecting Aeon over Epoch: "$6000" Aeon Gains: acquire up to 200 re-issue LPs from your favorite vendor Aeon... Read More »

Synergistic Research HFT and FEQ

At the last Diana Krall live concert I attended, I happen to be seated next to an elderly woman who took great pleasure in singing, with all abandon, along with Ms. Krall for most of the concert. What made it worse was that she seemed to be quite tone deaf and sang totally out of... Read More »

The Audioengine A5+ Wireless Loudspeakers

"Get your station at the touch of a finger!" shouts the vintage ad for General Electric radios. "Touch tuning - Does away with tedious dialing!"  Now, that's an innovation one can hang a fine felt Cavanaugh fedora on. True, the pushbutton worked better in a VW bug than in the home, but you get the... Read More »

Audience Au24 SX Interconnect, Phono and Speaker Cables: Thin Is In

Cables, cables everywhere. Thin, thick, round, flat, flexible, stiff, heavy, light, silver, copper, gold, silver plated copper, silver with gold. Just about every possible permutation under the sun. That brings us to Audience's latest Au24 SX interconnect and speaker cables. Audience's newest top-of-the-line cables are a rare and endangered breed falling into the thin, light... Read More »

World Premiere Review:  Unique Innovation Technology's SMP - Perfect Music Purifier Speaker Cable

I described the noble first attempt by Unique Innovation Technology (UIT) to bring their outstanding new technology, demonstrated by their groundbreaking interconnects, to full bore with their speaker cables. I am truly excited by their progress and underscore UIT’s explanation of their current superb results as follows: "Perfect Music Purifier technology within the Perfect Music Purifier... Read More »

The Alta Audio Hestia Titanium Loudspeaker - The Goddess With a Lovely Voice

Founded in 2013, Alta Audio is the creation of long-time industry presence Michael Levy. Alta's first speaker, the Celesta FRM-2, came about as a result of encouragement from his good friend and client, reviewer Martin Appel. With the support from those he respected, Michael was convinced he could develop a great line of speakers that... Read More »

Peter Ledermann is the Artisan Smithy of Sound: The New Soundsmith Carmen Mk II Phonograph Cartridge!

I get emails from audio enthusiasts and music lovers around the world asking for recommendations of a relatively affordable phonograph cartridge that is warm, dimensional, musical, and has relatively high output so you don't have to use an expensive step-up transformer with it to play music. I have found that particular combination of traits in... Read More »

Andy Zimmerman's Half Light

Andy Zimmerman, Half Light. Newvelle Records NV014LP, LP available as part of subscription at newvelle-records.com I came to a stunning realization about my musical tastes the other day. I was discussing Haydn with a friend, and he asked why I wasn't a bigger fan of his music. I hemmed and hawed for a while before coming... Read More »

The Hana EL Moving Coil Cartridge: Exceptional Performance at an Agreeable Price Point

Late last year, I had a tremendous review opportunity that focused on ProJect's The Classic turntable; unbeknownst to me, the review unit arrived as the heavily upgraded Superpack SB edition. Which, along with electronic speed control and other really nice goodies thrown in, also came with a Sumiko Blue Point No. 2 cartridge attached to... Read More »

STEALTH Audio Helios Phono Cable - Analog Dreams of Noise-Free Vinyl

Saturday mornings I'm at the Greenmarket early and later I make my way over to Academy Records, my favorite music retailer. While perusing the bins recently, I stumbled upon Jazz Ballets from Broadway, an early stereo LP from 1958 (Warner Bros BS 1240). The title won't ring a bell for many people, but it was... Read More »

Naim Audio Uniti Atom vs. UnitiQute vs. Smoked Eel

Fergus Henderson—the chef who's the reason the hip restaurant around the corner from you serves bone marrow, sweetbreads, and other animal bits—opens his seminal cookbook Nose to Tail Eating: A Kind of British Cooking, with a terse description of lunch at Sweetings. When you order the smoked eel at the bar of this London seafood... Read More »
