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4Point Bejeweled – A Guided Tour of an Improved Kuzma Tonearm

The Kuzma 4Point tonearm continues receiving praise from audiophiles for its precision construction, ease of adjustment, and contributions to achieving quality sound from vinyl records. Largely unmodified since its introduction in 2008, Franc Kuzma recently upgraded the bearings in his 4Point arms to achieve an even higher level of performance. Now, all 11-inch and 14-inch... Read More »

Kuzma STABI R Turntable

The leitmotif of all turntables from the Slovenian company Kuzma is "less is better." Have a look at its iconic, "tubular" Stabi S turntable, to understand what it means—it's just two brass tubes with a platter and an outboard motor. Also tonearms designed by this brand, no less famous than turntables, look like a study... Read More »

MAG-LEV ML1 Turntable - Part 3

Every day I play the ML1 is an adventure. It has its glitches, but is musical and quiet. At the price, it is miraculous indeed. (You can read Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.) Currently, I use the latest version of this unique magnetically powered and suspended turntable: the ML1. This version, with tweaked firmware,... Read More »

Cardas Clear Beyond Phono Cable

Not long ago, I was chatting with George—not George Cardas, but with George Counnas, genius creator of Zesto Audio's celebrated electronics. I asked him if he had read my review of the Cardas Clear Beyond XL power cords. I predict a synergy between the two, like the BIA 120 and the XL and more. To my surprise,... Read More »

TriangleArt Ultimate TA-350M Monoblock Amplifiers

Tubes or Solid State? That question alone divides us audiophiles—at its most basic level it's telling a story about your preferences, as there is no doubt about the pros and cons of both technologies. I will say that solid state (Class D, especially) has come a long way, but there really is nothing more captivating... Read More »

Zesto Andros Allasso Step-Up Transformer - Quite Possibly The Last SUT You'll Ever Need!

"From my cold, dead hands!" - Charlton Heston, describing the only way anyone would be able  to take away his guns. I'll state right up front that after a month in my reference system that's exactly how I feel about the Zesto Andros Allasso step up transformer. In fact I was completely smitten with this little... Read More »

Tara Labs RSC Air Evolution Interconnects

I am staring out my window this afternoon, watching the snow fall and lay a blanket of shimmering white across my lawn, and touching every corner of our residential cul-de-sac. I sit here, marveling about how quiet my little corner of the city has become. You hear no cars, the neighbors are tucked in their... Read More »

Luxman LX-380 Integrated - A Second Take

As many of you know, Luxman has a long and proud tradition in the HiFi industry. Within that history, the HiFi press has bestowed accolades to many of their models over the years. Recently Victor Chavira and I at PF got a chance to review an integrated amplifier in their lineup, the LX-380 to be... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RTP-4EU Absolute AC Power Strip

A power strip is simply a "splitter" of the power supply—it goes in with a single cable, and it goes out via several outputs/sockets. Acoustic Revive in Europe offers one model, featuring four sockets. We would like to present you the latest version called the Absolute. This is the first part of a two-part test.... Read More »

Paradox Pulse Audio Phono 70 Signature Phono Stage

I came upon Paradox Pulse quite by accident while pursuing eBay looking at some used amplifiers. What first caught my attention, and the reason for my contacting them, was the rebodied and retipped Denon 103 R cartridges they were offering. Officially known as a the Paradox Pulse Guard3 R SMR. That will be the subject... Read More »

Sumiko Olympia Moving Magnet Cartridge

This is the second of the new Sumiko Oyster series of cartridges. A few months ago I reviewed the Moonstone, the unit directly up the line form the Olympia (HERE). I found the Moonstone to be an exceptional bargain at the $299 price point. My expectations of the Olympia were to follow suit. So what... Read More »

Constellation Inspiration 1.0 Linestage and 1.0 Stereo Amplifier: The Definition of Value

The Constellation Audio Inspiration 1.0 Linestage and pair of 1.0 Stereo amplifiers, driving the GamuT Flagship Zodiac Loudspeakers. From the Beginning For a company that just recently celebrated only its 8th birthday, Constellation Audio has proven itself virtually unparalleled in both accomplishment and acceptance. My first take was at their 2010 CES introduction, where I... Read More »

Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ and Brooklyn Amplifier

I was recently introduced to Mytek, a company out of Brooklyn, NY that specializes in digital electronics. Not being known for being the go-to guy for digital I thought the opportunity to try something completely different was something I could not pass up. Suffice it to say right up front that I am glad that... Read More »

Timeline SE Turntable Speed Strobe

"I feel the need—the need for speed!" (Peter "Maverick" Mitchell, Top Gun). Speed control that is! Whether it's jets or a turntable's speed... it all matters. We've all heard the chipmunk like squeals of a 33 1/3 rpm LP mistakenly played at 45 rpm, or the unholy dirge of a 45 played at 33 1/3.... Read More »

Cardas Audio Clear Beyond Power XL: 30 Years in the Making!

I know George Cardas through his charming daughter, Mary Cardas. Angela, his other daughter, skillfully grows the company while George continues to do what he loves best:  explore, invent, and improve the ways we audiophiles may more fully enjoy our grand hobby. Though I have never owned any products made by Cardas Audio, I have been... Read More »

JIB Boaacoustic Digital Cables

Wolfgang Kemper, guest contributor from HiFi Statement The Boaacoustic cables' colorful unique design quickly catches your eye. This is an advantage when you want to stand out in the wide selection of cables on the market. Just what qualities are hidden beneath the colorful exteriors? Oh no! No more cables! That was my first reaction as... Read More »

PS Audio P20 and P15 AC Regenerators - Keeping the System Clean

PS Audio has been steadily developing as a high-end manufacturer since 1974, despite the trading of leadership on various occasions. Paul McGowan, the "P," and Stan Warren, the "S," were the founding partners. Stan left in the early 80s to found Superfon. Paul would leave in the 90s to join Arnie Nudel, having a hand... Read More »

The Boulder 508 Phono Stage - Like a Rolling Stone-Dig It

Boulder electronics, out of Louisville, Colorado, has been diligently creating some of the finest audio components in the world since 1983. Founded by Jeff Nelson, Boulder's vision has largely been aimed at the state of the art, and those with deep pockets. For instance, the 3050 monoblock amplifiers will rip $245,000 from your accountants bare... Read More »

The Ortofon Windfeld Ti Cartridge - 100 Years in the Making, Well Worth the Wait

Ortofon is a Danish company celebrating 100 years of commitment to excellence in the manufacture of audio related products, best known for its Analog Cartridges. Included in the extensive cartridge line up are tone arms, step up transformers, DJ related gear, and a host of micro manufacturing capabilities spanning many different industries.  In the beginning... Read More »
