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Core Power DEEP=CORE 1800 and Core Power Cables

Core Power Deep=Core 1800 Sometimes the job of an audio reviewer is hard. This is especially true for things like cables, power conditioners, and other components outside of source devices, preamplifiers, amplifiers, and speakers. Not only is there a fundamental debate in the audio world over whether or not these non-audio producing / processing devices... Read More »

Synergistic Research PowerCell ONE Line Conditioner

Just a mere month ago, Audio Tourism looked like the next new thing. Given the continuing demise of brick-and-mortar retail salons, regional, national, and international audio shows were popping up all over—how brilliant was having a show in Florida in February, not in Miami, not in Orlando, and not during school vacation week? But then,... Read More »

Schitt Vidar Power Amplifier

With a strong pride for American-built products, Schiit are the company behind some of the best value for money propositions in the amplifier and DAC market. Their playful style and thematic nomenclature have helped entice a wealth of consumers into the entry-level market, earning them many accolades from across the globe. The Schiit Vidar is... Read More »

Nordost QKORE Ground Products

The telltale sign that everything was right—better-than-right—appeared when I set my CH Precision M1.1 monoblocks to produce a flat response, meaning bass, mids, and treble were output in equal measure, just as they were designed to do at the factory. Previously, I had found it necessary to boost the mids (or lower the treble) to... Read More »

Roon Labs Nucleus Plus Server

Over the past four decades I have had the pleasure of taking my readers through, and helping them understand many different music formats. During the 1970s we saw the compact cassette take over from vinyl records as the dominant format for music consumed at the mass-market level. The compact cassette was then eclipsed by the... Read More »

The Pass Labs INT-25 Integrated Amplifier

The Road Goes On Forever...  A long time ago, a wise old soul told me that if folks work hard and save their pennies, they can likely afford to pursue a single spend-iferous hobby during an otherwise humdrum human existence...And although I doubt the veracity of that anecdote, I get where he was going with... Read More »

Superb Digital Playback with the Euphony Summus Music Server

Jump back in time to May 2016; Beth and I are going through probably the most difficult period of transition in our lives together. We'd just sold our house of thirty years, and our closing date was rapidly approaching. And we were in a mad scramble to move all our belongings into multiple storage units.... Read More »

DethonRay Prelude DTR1 Player

DethonRay is a new boutique audio brand started by Anson Tse— a figure with many years of experience in the industry of personal HiFi. Their first and only product so far is the DethonRay DTR1 Prelude—a compact digital audio player that does without the bells and whistles of contemporary players, and focuses primarily on sound... Read More »

TJN MKII Steampunk Turntable and Nasotec Swing Headshell

"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue." Has anyone not heard that famous phrase before? If not then I have seriously dated myself and will move on. That being said though, all of that phrase is exactly what the TNJ Turntable is all about! One of the never changing rules in this business /... Read More »

The dCS Bartók DAC - A True Benchmark

Exploring the possibilities over the last few years on the digital front has been both rewarding and frustrating. I have reviewed or auditioned several cutting edge components, including the Esoteric K-01X SACD Player/DAC ($20,000), PS Audio Direct Stream DAC ($6000), Berkeley Alpha Reference Series 2 DAC ($16,000), the Aurender N-10 Music Server ($8000), and I... Read More »

The PBN MR! 777 - Of Men, Music, and Mountains

When it comes to projecting a sound-field that images well, especially in this day and age of speaker manufacturing, performance can work in the favor of the smallish speaker. Even very small designs can image like crazy, particularly listened too in the near field. But to truly reach the peak that is live music, a... Read More »

The Zesto Audio Leto Ultra Preamplifier: Premiere!

I am an imaging junkie. Musical images, properly recorded, must have realistic tonality, unwavering stability, a rounded aspect, and—whether vocal or instrumental—must be room-present. Dr. John Coolege, a writer for TAS once exclaimed, "The music has blood in it." Zesto Audio's new Leto Ultra preamplifier is bloody wonderful, and USA made! George Counnas, the award-winning... Read More »

PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamplifier

The savvy audiophile is keenly aware of the weakest link of the chain theory when it comes to our hobby. The arena of vinyl playback is one place where this event is illuminated with the brightest of lights. Vinyl hobbyists will debate cartridge types, turntable drive formats, and the methodology for cleaning vinyl, however all... Read More »

Grado Labs Lineage Series: The Flagship Grado Epoch3 Phono Cartridge

We live in exciting times for phono reproduction, a new golden age for LPs from manufacture to playback. The key lesson learned since the production of full-range stereo LP recordings in 1958, some taped in stereo as early as 1954 and released in 1958, is this:  the weakest part of the chain is playback in... Read More »

Pushing the Envelope: The AudioQuest Dragon Power Cable and Dragon ZERO Loudspeaker Cables

AudioQuest's founder, William Low, and Senior Director of Engineering, Garth Powell, have once again co-developed the next generation of AudioQuest audiophile cost-is-no-object power cables and speaker cables. Interconnects are in development and will be available this fall. They are designed to be the best in the world of connectivity—full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes! I... Read More »

KEF R3 Bookshelf Loudspeakers Do Small Big

"Let's get small, real small!" - Steve Martin, 1977. KEF's new R3 stand mount speakers, the smallest of their recently introduced, redesigned mid-priced R series are a case study in good things coming in small packages. The new R series is comprised of the R11, 7, and 5 floor standers, R3 bookshelf, R2c center, and... Read More »

Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable

Easy to set up and very easy to use. You will not be disappointed. Review By Tom Lyle With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Tom Lyle shares his thoughts about Pro-Ject X2 Vinyl LP Turntable. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief As the technology advances, it's only natural for any decent audio... Read More »

64 Audio Tia Fourte & U18t In-Ear Monitors

With just a decade of experience, 64 Audio have quickly grown to become a tour de force in the world of portable audio. Part of their ascension has stemmed from their firm desire to challenge traditional audio standards with innovations and ground-breaking technologies. The pinnacle of their knowledge has culminated in the Tubeless In-Ear Audio... Read More »

SVS SB-3000 Subwoofer Follow-up

Back in July 2019, after completing the original review of the SVS SB-3000 subwoofer (HERE), I took the subs out of my system. It took just minutes to determine there was no way I was going to send them back to the SVS folks in Ohio. They transformed my system into something special, and I... Read More »
