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Synergistic Research UEF Record Weight

A fairly common thread that runs through most audiophiles who are partial to vinyl rather than digital, is their penchant for tweaking. In contrast to digital domain, where there is a limited scope to tweak the sound, in the analog domain, a cornucopia of tweaking opportunities abound, and many analog buffs revel in them.   ... Read More »

Core Power Technologies Equi=Core 1800 MK2

How to think about Power Conditioning Power conditioning is an incredibly touchy subject and seems to divide the audiophile community as a whole. There are some who say it is extremely important, subscribing to the classic garbage in, garbage out mentality. Then there are those that argue that if the equipment is designed properly and... Read More »

Verity Audio Otello Floorstanding Loudspeakers

A loudspeaker for music lovers. Review By Rufus Smith With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Rufus Smith shares his thoughts on the Verity Audio Otello Floorstanding Loudspeakers. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Founded in 1995, Verity Audio hit the ground running in 1996 with the debut of their first speaker, the... Read More »

Koetsu Black Goldline Moving Coil Cartridge

Auditioning cartridges is a lot like wine tasting and shopping for televisions. You never know how good a glass of wine from a $100 bottle tastes compared to a $10 bottle until you've experience it for yourself. And you never truly appreciate the delta between TVs until you've seen them side by side at an... Read More »

AURALiC Aries G1 Streaming Transporter

When it comes to streamers, my point of view is simple: software is king. Good software can make a streamer, and bad software can break a streamer. For example, I have a streamer that sounds wonderful, however, it crashes at least once a listening session. For a time I tolerated these crashes, however, with no... Read More »

Plussound Tri-Silver X8 Cable

Plussound is a boutique custom cable company with roots in Los Angeles, California. Headed by Christian Oliver, the American company has built a legion of followers and has recently occupied the high-end arena. Throughout the years, their approach has been simple yet effective—the provision of high-quality products with an excellent customer service. It is refreshing... Read More »

Synergistic Research MiG SX Isolation Footers and UEF Cable Risers

I have come across a few skeptics in the audiophile community who subscribe to the notion that footers do not make much of a difference to the performance of audio gear. To them, I love relating details of a historical sporting event where footers, or in this instance, shoes, made all the difference to the... Read More »

E.A.T. Jo NO 8 MC Cartridge

I think most of us are aware of E.A.T. and their turntables and cartridges. You may have read Robert Levi's review on the stunning Jo No. 5 cartridge back in our July 2018 issue (HERE). Robert had serious praise for the cartridge, ending the review with the following statement, "The E.A.T. Jo No. 5 MC... Read More »

Chario Sonnet Monitor Loudspeakers -

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Boudoir. Since I moved into a very large loft some 20 years ago, my only rule for reviewing was NO MONITOR SPEAKERS! My listening room is 36' x 60' x 14'. Even some larger floor standers have suffered the anguish of trying to move all that... Read More »

Sonus Faber Olympica Nova V Loudspeakers

Greetings faithful readers. It is time to bring you another installment on Sonus Faber Speakers. I initially reviewed the Olympica Nova I stand mounted monitor. I found this speaker to be very neutral and capable of a very consistent presentation throughout its frequency range, and highly recommended it. This was followed by the more upscale... Read More »

A Sonic Landslide - The Boulder 866 Integrated Amplifier DAC/Streamer

I recently reviewed the entry level Boulder 508 phono stage, and it surprised the boots off me by its price / performance ratio. It's so good, in fact, that it ended up finding a permanent spot in my system. Since then I have been following the roll out of Boulder's latest product, the 866 integrated... Read More »

Mye Sound Mye Stands for Magnepans

As a new owner of Magnepan 3.7i I've discovered quite a few things about these much loved and storied planar magnetic speakers. Hearing them at shows and showrooms is one thing, but listening to them create their magic in your own home is where the rubber truly meets the road. I'm happy to report that... Read More »

Whats in a Name? The McIntosh Labs C2700 Preamplifier

How does one define the word-brand? It's a question I've been working on answering while helping to create a new sustainable women's clothing line with my wife. Is it a catchy name? A slick logo? The overall look and feel of the product(s)? The advertising / marketing message? Yes, in part all these elements bolster... Read More »

AudioQuest Dragon Power Cords

I am awaiting delivery in today's post of five AudioQuest Dragon power cords with mixed emotions. The unease is not about them; it is because I'm leery of rocking the boat presently anchored in the placid oasis of audio synergy, where all parts are working and everything important to me in playback is present. From... Read More »

AGD Andante Preamplifier and Vivace Monoblocks

AGD's Andante and Vivace will transport you to the musical venue. Review By Rick Becker With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music. Rick Becker shares his thoughts on the AGD Andante Preamplifier and Vivace Monoblocks. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief It is always an honor when a manufacturer asks me to review... Read More »

The Akitika GT-102 Power Amplifier

The last decade summers at my place have been hotter than ever before. At 6300 feet, what used to be two weeks of high temps has turned into 10 weeks of even higher temps. I know this is just a Chinese hoax, but damn, the heat my tube monoblocks generate is just too much for... Read More »

The iFi PowerStation AC Line Conditioner

Go back some 50 years, and the American audio scene involved an assortment of acronyms from around New England: off the top of my head, AR, ADS, APT, CSW, DBX, EAW, EPI, KLH, and NEAR come to mind, with the BAS (Boston Audio Society) and MIT providing cross-pollination. Oh, and there was one nasty four... Read More »

Aidas Audio Gala Gold LE MC Phono Cartridge

When it comes to turntables, I have to admit that my top MC reference remains the Aidas Mammoth Gold. It is the benchmark by which I compare all comparable MC cartridges. It lacks nothing I can hear and is listenable to the maximum. The Gala Gold LE is their limited-edition cartridge in honor of the... Read More »

LSA HP-1 Headphones

In the audio world, a dealer relationship is still fairly common. As more businesses go online, dealers are adapting and making their products available online as well. Some manufacturers are even starting to forgo dealers and have started selling direct to their customers. The result, when done well, is more performance per dollar. This is... Read More »
