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AudioQuest Noise-Stopper Caps

Stick around long enough and you get to witness the life cycle of a fad. Presently, the audiophile community has been riding herd on RFI, judging by the third-party Band-Aids proliferating on Audiogon and webzine talk. I believe the interest to be an offshoot from the prior focus on the electrical ground: after all, RFI... Read More »

A Brace of Buzz Busters from iFi - The GND Defender and DC Blocker

I've long been a fan of those wizards at iFi, especially the wonky folks tasked with widget warfare on hi-fi noise pollution. Although perhaps best known for their cost-effective DAC/Headphone amps, iFi has also issued a stream of USB and AC power iPurifiers and iDefenders to address audio problems both common and not so. Of... Read More »

Graceline L3 Cables

I love cables. I hate cables. There, I said it. Cables—from an audio perspective—are that step-brother no one really knows how to engage at the annual Thanksgiving bash. Everyone knows he's part of the family, everyone knows he generally has a nice guy image, but no one really knows how to properly befriend him. Let's... Read More »

Rockwell Amplifier by ampsandsound

For the last five weeks, I have had the opportunity to sit back and enjoy one of the best amplifiers I have heard in a long time. It all started when I got a phone call from the owner of ampsandsound, he said he had something new and special in the works. I was intrigued,... Read More »

Musician Monoceros Preamplifier

Thick aluminum casing, a dark anodized finish, microprocessor-controlled functions, and mysterious red lights on the faceplate could describe the latest generation of Cylon Centurion from the Battlestar Galactica science fiction series, or the newly released Monoceros preamplifier from Musician Audio. While Cylons are a Hollywood creation, this preamplifier (linestage) is the real deal, and is... Read More »

EAR's Phono Classic - A Classic Phono Stage

A friend is a connoisseur of many things in life. At the intermission of a concert, he was puzzled that the audience was clapping as the pianist had made so many mistakes—he performed professionally. He pushed aside a meal at the first bite because it wasn't worth the calories. As a counterpoint, the first time... Read More »

RSX Beyond Phono Cable with DIN Review: Part Two

I rarely revisit my complete reviews, but the RSX top-of-the-line Beyond phono cable with DIN connector has revealed state-of-the-art attributes that are stunning to this reviewer. In its RCA-terminated form, the cable from the legendary Roger Skoff was musically natural and neutral with a bullet. I was never able to truly discover what it did... Read More »

The Triode Lab 45 EVO Single-Ended-Triode Integrated Amplifier: The Evolution of the First Watt!

Back in October of 2020 I did a straw poll among readers of Jeff's Place and Positive Feedback to find out what audio products they would be most interested in having me write about. The most popular and intriguing request among readers was the artisanal and custom-made Triode Lab 2A3 EVO single-ended-triode integrated amplifier from... Read More »

Lindemann Limetree Phono II

North America Premiere Review! Small package – Big impression! Review By Clive Meakins With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music Rick Becker shares his thoughts on the Charisma Audio Musiko Tonearm, Soundeck, and Audio Machina Accessories. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief Lindemann is very well versed with digital technology and Class D amplifiers. For... Read More »

Intona 7054-x Galvanic Isolator

The last few years I've been pretty pleased with my system, so I've really not been considering any major changes. My current gaggle of components, cables, and room treatments works well in my somewhat difficult room, and delivers most of the passion of the music while usually keeping me happily engaged.  I even get to... Read More »

More from Fono Acustica: the Armónico Power Cables

Back when I went to public school, everyone took band. If you had no preference, they gave you whatever instrument needed players to fill a section—that's how a dented, silver trumpet wound up in my lap. Most of us consumed the hour by chilling out, with the exception of a small coterie of trumpet players... Read More »

Simaudio MOON 740P Preamplifier

I tend to be a believer in a less is more approach when it comes to my audio system; find a high end DAC like the Chord DAVE, and use it's outputs to drive the amplifier directly. In my experience putting anything between the DAC and the amplifier adds noise, colors the sound, and removes... Read More »

Muarah MT-1 EVO and PSC Precision Speed Controller

Muarah Audio made its debut during the Audio Video Show 2015 with a complete system designed for playing music from vinyl records. Associated primarily with turntables, it also offers electronics. This time, however, we are testing its flagship MT-1 EVO turntable with a PSC precise speed controller. The title of one of the articles on... Read More »

Travel with the Devil: A Review of iFi's Diablo

We're all thinking about travel. Where can we go? How are we going to get there? And what will we listen to on our way? The Diablo (Spanish for devil) is a battery-powered DAC/headphone amp that you'll be packing with you whether your next journey is to heaven, hell, or a more lateral journey across... Read More »

Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage:  World Premiere Review!

George Counnas of Zesto Audio with his Andros Deluxe II Phono Stage in Bob Levi's listening room Before I start: the most-asked question answered first! Yes. Those of you who own the Zesto Audio Deluxe Phono Stage may receive a factory Deluxe II upgrade through any Zesto Audio dealer for $1200, including a new faceplate... Read More »

Dual Duty - Questyle CMA Twelve DAC / Headphone Amplifier

It's funny. As we move up through the echelons of the audio world, the pieces that produce our sonic magic become more and more singular in function. The jobs which devices perform move into larger and more separate boxes as if no component can do two things well at once. Stay in your lane. In... Read More »

Charisma Audio Musiko Tonearm, Soundeck, and Audio Machina Accessories

World Premiere Review! A killer combination forced me to overcome my fear and buy the review sample. Review By Rick Becker With this article, Positive Feedback continues its content-sharing relationship with Enjoy the Music Rick Becker shares his thoughts on the Charisma Audio Musiko Tonearm, Soundeck, and Audio Machina Accessories. Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief "The more one knows about... Read More »

Siltech Legend 880 Cables - When the Classic Becomes a Legend

For those Audiophiles that have been around a while, the name Siltech conjures images of high-end esoterica and rarified audiophile air. Edwin van der Kley Rynveld, an electrical engineer with very high level experience at Exxon and Phillips, acquired the company in 1992. Since the acquisition, Edwin has propelled Siltech into the ranks of the... Read More »

Hana SH Phono Cartridge

Did high output moving coil cartridges morph into some kind of oddball niche product when I wasn't paying attention? Despite the considerable press attention paid to the relatively new line of Hana cartridges, nearly all of it has focused on the low-output versions. The precious few reviews mentioning the high-output versions treated them as, at... Read More »
