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Crosszone CZ-8A Headphones

Crosszone is a specialized audio company, founded in 2016 in Japan by the Taiwanese company Asia Optical Inc., a manufacturer of lenses and optical systems. It is headed by Mr. Robert Lai, and the first product was the CS-1 headphones. We are testing its latest product, the CS-8A headphones. The headphone selection on the market... Read More »

Grandinote Supremo Integrated Amplifier

WORLD PREMIERE The Italian company Grandinote was established in 2005. Its founder and chief designer is Massimiliano "MAX" Magri. Their first product was the A Solo amplifier, and the most important technology they use is called Magnetosolid. We are premiere testing their largest integrated amplifier, Supremo. If you look at the Grandinote's lineup, you will... Read More »

Octave Jubilee PRE Preamplifier and MONO SE Amplifiers

Octave Audio is a German company founded in 1968 by Karl Heinz Hofmann; initially it produced transformers. In 2000, his son, Andreas Hofmann took over the business, and from then on it has been called Octave Audio. We are testing the top Jubilee system. Although the first Octave amplifiers were made in 1975, and since... Read More »

RADAR Recording Technique - Part 2: MUSIC

RADAR – Random Access Digital Audio Recorder. The first fully functional HDD non-linear recording system Or how album recorded using RADAR sound like DIGITAL SOUND RECORDING  – method of preserving sound in which audio signals are transformed into a series of pulses that correspond to patterns of binary digits (i.e., 0's and 1's) and are... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RGC-24K - Artificial Round Conditioner

Acoustic Revive is a Japanese company that was set up in 1997, run by Mr. Ken Ishiguro-san. It specializes in connectors and anti-vibration products, but also offers innovative devices, most often the brainchildren of the University of Tokyo. We are testing one of the company's products that filter ground interference—the RGC-24K. The artificial ground, or—as... Read More »

A Reference System as a Source of Heartache or Joy

A reference system is a fundament of audio reviewer's work. It is his working tool. It turns out, however, that although we all want the same thing, and we want to capture the nature of the tested product or the reviewed album as best as possible, the way to achieve it can very significantly. It... Read More »

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting 132 - Siltech Classic Legend

Krakow Sonic Society  is an informal group of music lovers, audiophiles, friends, meeting to learn something new about audio products, recordings, music, etc. The idea for KTS was born in 2005 and this is now its 132 meeting. Many steps led to the 132 meeting of the Krakow Sonic Society—bigger and smaller, but necessary ones.... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RTS-30 and RKI-5005 Turntable Sheets and Anti-vibration Pads

WORLD PREMIERE Acoustic revive is a Japanese company founded in 1997 and run by Mr. Ken Ishiguro-san. It specializes in connection cables and anti-vibration products, but offers also  innovative products, the ideas of which are most often sourced from the University of Tokyo. We test its products containing a mineral called Kiyoh-stone. The use of minerals... Read More »

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting 130 - Impex Records' S1TEP Patricia Barber, Café Blue 

Krakow Sonic Society is an informal group of music lovers, audiophiles and friends who meet to learn something new about audio products, records, music, etc. The idea for the Society was conceived in 2005. This is already its 130th meeting. It took both Impex Records and High Fidelity a while… And it started as usual:... Read More »

Colored Vinyl

Colored vinyl, or a few words about the phenomenon of colored vinyl with the Komeda Quintet's Astigmatic in the version released on the artists 90th birthday as an example. Colored vinyl LPs are flooding shops and the Internet. What's the point in that? Do consumers really get more or is it just a way to... Read More »

Acoustic Revive RPC-1K Passive AC filter

Acoustic revive is a Japanese company founded in 1997 and run by Mr. Ken Ishiguro-san. It specializes in audio cables and anti-vibration products, but it also offers innovative ones, the ideas of which most often come from the University of Tokyo. We are testing one of the products used to filter the AC supply voltage,... Read More »

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting No.129 - Santana's Santana

We are listening to the album: Santana, Santana Krakow Sonic Society is an informal group of music lovers, audiophiles and friends who meet to learn something new about audio products, records, music, etc. The idea for Krakow Sonic Society was conceived in 2005 and this is already meeting No. 129. THE MUSICIAN In the last few years,... Read More »

Polish Jazz Remasters 2016

Two more titles from the "Polish Jazz" series in the new releases of Warner Music Poland: Young Power, Young Power. Polish Jazz vol. 72 Jaroslaw Smietana Sounds & Colours. Polish Jazz vol. 73 The "Polish Jazz" series is one of the national treasure of Polish culture—and I say it with full conviction. As part of it, selected,... Read More »

WestminsterLab Quest Preamplifier and REI Amplifier

WestminsterLab is a company founded in London (hence the name), currently headquartered in Hong Kong, run by Angus Leung. Its offer includes connection cables and amplifiers, belonging to the top high-end level. For this review we received the Quest preamplifier and REI monoblocks; the preamplifier has its premier in HF. There are brands in audio... Read More »

Accuphase C-3900 Line Preamplifier

The Japanese company Accuphase was set up in 1972 as Kensonic Laboratory, Inc. in Tokyo and after it moved to Yokohama in 1973, its products have born the Accuphase logo. It used to specialize in amplifiers and radio tuners, and later also in CD and SACD players. We are testing its latest, top-of-the-range C-3900 line... Read More »

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting 128 - Ayon Audio S-10 II Signature Streamer/Network Player

KRAKOW SONIC SOCIETY is an informal group of audiophiles and friends who meet every now and then to learn something new about audio products, music releases, music itself, and so on. The idea for KSS was born in 2005. It has already been the 128th. KSS meeting.  THE ENTERTEINMENT INDUSTRY IN THE TIME OF PANDEMIC... Read More »

How Loud?

Or, why recordings don't always sound the same. We listen to music in various conditions, sometimes loud, sometimes quietly. However, in order to hear what is really there, we have to take into account, how it was mixed and mastered. I don't know if you pay attention to the fact that a given album sounds... Read More »

MITSUBISHI ProDigi Digital Reel-to-Reel Recorders - From X-80 to X-880, Part 2

It is the story of birth of digital audio, as well as a journey through the 1970s and 1980s, the best period in the history of digital recorders, and finally the story of their unique representatives; reel-to-tape recorders from Mitsubishi. (Part 1 can be found HERE) DIGITAL SOUND RECORDING method of preserving sound in which... Read More »

The Editors Series 30 - Dave Clark of Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback is an American audio magazine. From 1990 to 2002 it had been printed, but then it started to be published online only; it is one of the oldest and largest online audio magazines in the world. We are talking to one of its founders, Dave Clark. Dave and Carol Clark in their listening... Read More »
