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How Loud?

Or, why recordings don't always sound the same. We listen to music in various conditions, sometimes loud, sometimes quietly. However, in order to hear what is really there, we have to take into account, how it was mixed and mastered. I don't know if you pay attention to the fact that a given album sounds... Read More »

An Interview with Andreas Spreer of TACET Musikproduktion

TACET a musical term to indicate that an instrument or voice does not sound, also known as rest. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacet date of access: 25.10.2020 The name of the TACET Musikproduktion record label comes from the language of music and, in a broader perspective, from Latin, where the proverb "qui tacet, consentire videtur", i.e. "he who is... Read More »

Thöress EHT Amplifiers

Hybrid a thing made by combining two different elements; in biology: the offspring of two plants or animals of different species or varieties; a mythical creature being a combination of existing animal, such as griffin; […] If there was an audio award that would be given to products for their design, the Thöress brand would... Read More »

MITSUBISHI ProDigi Digital Reel-to-Reel Recorders - From X-80 to X-880, Part 2

It is the story of birth of digital audio, as well as a journey through the 1970s and 1980s, the best period in the history of digital recorders, and finally the story of their unique representatives; reel-to-tape recorders from Mitsubishi. (Part 1 can be found HERE) DIGITAL SOUND RECORDING method of preserving sound in which... Read More »

Point of View Depends on Where You Sit

Or what do the audiophiles sit on "First of all, audiophile doesn't listen to. He assesses." source: Bartek Chaciński, Wyż nisz, Kraków 2010 ⌋ Preparing the 3-part mini-series entitled. MICROTUNNING I focused on three elements of audio systems: 1 LOUDSPEAKERS, 2 ELECTRONCS and 3 CABLES. Already back then one of our Readers pointed out to... Read More »

The Editors Series 30 - Dave Clark of Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback is an American audio magazine. From 1990 to 2002 it had been printed, but then it started to be published online only; it is one of the oldest and largest online audio magazines in the world. We are talking to one of its founders, Dave Clark. Dave and Carol Clark in their listening... Read More »

MITSUBISHI ProDigi Digital Reel-to-Reel Recorders - From X-80 to X-880

It is the story of birth of digital audio, as well as a journey through the 1970s and 1980s, the best period in the history of digital recorders, and finally the story of their unique representatives—reel-to-tape recorders from MITSUBISHI Mitsubishi. (Part 2 can be found HERE) DIGITAL SOUND RECORDING – method of preserving sound in... Read More »

I-O Data Soundgenic HDL-RAS2T Music Server/Audio File Transport

I-O DATA was founded in 1976 in the Japanese city of Kanazawa. I-O Data is one of the largest manufacturers of computer peripherals in this country. In 2016, an offspring brand called  Fidata was founded within company, whose audio files transports / music servers are intended for the "premium consumer market." In 2019, they decided... Read More »

SPEC Designer Audio RSA-V10 Integrated Amplifier

SPEC Corporation is a Japanese company founded by Mr. Shirokazu Yazaka, a former chief engineer at TEAC and Pioneer, to achieve one goal: to deliver tube sound using semiconductor technology. The RSA-V10 is its latest integrated amplifier in class D. This is its world premiere. It seems that Class D amplifiers are no longer a... Read More »

Technology - AAD, ADD, DDD: the SPARS Code in the 21st century

"The SPARS code is a three-position alphabetic classification system developed in the early 1980s by the Society of Professional Audio Recording Services (SPARS) for commercial compact disc releases to denote aspects of the sound recording and reproduction process, distinguishing between the use of analog equipment and digital equipment." Wikipedia, USA Richard James Burgess, the Marketing, Sales and Licensing Director at Smithsonian Folkways Recording, i.e. the non-profit... Read More »

First Press CD - Or How to Find the Best Sounding CD Pressing

"First Press" ("1st Press") is a term used to describe LP releases. It is used to describe the earliest editions of a given title. This is a difficult topic and collectors specializing in it are usually focused on some part of the publishing market. But it is very similar with Compact Discs—below we will discuss... Read More »

Nordost QRT QSOURCE and DC Power Supply

Nordost is a company that was set up in 1991 by Joe Reynolds. It specializes in manufacturing audio cables. Apart from cables, the company also offers products from the QRT series used to supply power to devices and eliminate RF, as well as electromagnetic interference. "A power supply seems to be one of the most... Read More »

The Gryphon ETHOS Compact Disc Player

Gryphon, that for some time now have been using name The Gryphon, is a Danish company, founded in 1986 by Flemming E. Rasmussen. Its products feature an extremely characteristic design and all belong to the high-end class. What draws attention is not only its fantastic construction, but also a beautiful logotype depicting a griffin—a mythical... Read More »

Re-Issue Series - Verve Master Editions

In April 1997, jazz magazines published numerous ads of the re-edition of Verve Records, bearing the common name "Verve Master Edition:" HIGHER STANDARD "Verve Master Editions" - the ultimate sound quality and releases for serious collectors. "Verve Master Editions" are new releases of the groundbreaking Verve discs from the 1950s and 1960s, using the best... Read More »

An Interview with Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen

Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen with his latest SIA-030 amp, next to the High Fidelity reference system Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen, usually called Hans Ole, known for his surname—Vitus (it will become clear at the end of the interview), is the founder, owner and main engineer of the Vitus Audio company. It is one of the most... Read More »

Vitus Audio Signature Series SIA-030 Integrated Amplifier

PREMIERE The first amplifier from the Danish company Vitus Audio was presented in 2003. Earlier, however, for eight years, its project was improved and perfected. Hans Ole Vitus Nielsen is the founder and head of the company, as well as its chief designer. We are testing his latest product, the SIA-030 integrated amplifier, weighing 63... Read More »

10 for 10 - The Best Sounding Compact Discs

Have you ever wondered which CDs to use when assessing your system? Or maybe you'd like to impress your friends? If so, this text is for you. It covers 10 best sounding COMPACT DISCS and some information about what to expect from them. It was a coincident—if there is such a thing - ask mathematicians... Read More »

Krakow Sonic Society Meeting 121 - Ultimate HQCD Discs

The history of the Krakow Sonic Society meetings with various types of Compact Discs is quite long. Almost as long as the list of technical studies intended to improve the process of reading signal from these discs. Already in May 2009, as part of the 64th KSS, we discussed new (for us) patents of EMI... Read More »

The Editors Series 27 - Marc Phillips of the Occasional Magazine

THE EDITORS is a cycle of interviews with audio magazine editors from all over the world—both those in charge of printed publications, as well as online magazines and portals. It started on January 1st 2012 and 26 interviews have been published since then—the one below is No. 27. Our aim is to familiarize our readers... Read More »
