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Virtuoso Interconnect from Fono Acustica

Last year I spent quality time with the Armónico cable from Fono Acustica. The wires left a lingering impression of intense musicality, along with a desire to audition more of their products, including the top-of-the-line Virtuoso model. Felix Avalos, the proprietor of Fono Acustica, teased me along with, "The Virtuoso is a whole different cable... Read More »

Nordost QPOINT Synchronizer

I came to the Nordost QPOINT Synchronizers in a roundabout manner. My primary interest was their QSOURCE Linear Power Supply. After auditioning a couple of low-price linear power supplies for my ethernet streaming front-end and coming away unsatisfied, I turned my gaze higher and spied the QSOURCE LPS. It exceeded my expectations and the review... Read More »

Fono Acustica - Compás Speaker Ground System

As in days of olde when men strode forth to slay dragons (or chase windmills), the modern-day audiophile is on a crusade. This villain appeared relatively recently, coincident with the world economy's tectonic shift to the Information Age. As many have observed, Radio Frequency Interference wasn't an issue for audiophiles circa 1970. Nowadays, it might... Read More »

Nordost QSOURCE Linear Power Supply

One of those wall-warts came with the Fidelizer EtherStream network switch I use for music streaming. These little switch-mode devices have known issues. It is not good for music streaming; even worse, it spews contagion throughout the electric grid. With the ethernet switch on, my primary sources were degraded: the CD transport sounded worse. I... Read More »

Isolation Platforms from Marigo Audio Lab

The highlight bout begins with King Resolution dancing in his corner taunting Bishop Musicality across the ring, both egged on by PR guys with stakes in the outcome. The handicappers lay odds on the King. Why? Because resolution trumps all in the audiophile arena. These bouts occur regularly in my sound room. While I love... Read More »

Nordost Premium QKORE Wire

A fellow-traveler who delights in extracting the max from his gear relayed this narrative the other day. "When guys come over for a listen, they often comment they never heard XYZ gear sound this good. Why is that? I tell them it is the attention paid to the little things—like premium fuses, RFI noise stopper... Read More »

The Latest audiodharma Cable Cooker

Competitive upgrade, the notion of "keeping up with the Joneses," was never my thing. For whatever reason, even as our income grew, we opt to maintain the same comfortable lifestyle, rather like Warren Buffet has famously chosen to live in the same modest abode for 63 years. (We're going on 40 in our apartment. The... Read More »

Ethernet Cables from AudioQuest - Pearl, Carbon, and Diamond

Something strange happened recently that caused me to rethink the testing paradigm used by reviewers. I was multitasking, putting some low-priced music streaming gear through its paces, while checking out a sampling of AudioQuest Ethernet cables. I began with AQ's bottom-of-the-line Pearl ($49.95/1.5m), then swapped to the top-of-the-line Diamond ($1599.95/1.5m), when it struck me. For... Read More »

AirStream - Optimized Wireless Router from Fidelizer

Photo courtesy New York School of T'ai Chi Chuan Sundays at noon I take Qigong class, a Chinese discipline of standing postures and slow movements. Translated, it means "energy work," and is related to T'ai Chi Chuan. The aim is to help you achieve relaxation. Sounds easy, right? That's what you think. By the time you... Read More »

The Fono Acustica Armónico Speaker Cables and the Critic's Gaze

The Covid-19 pandemic turned the world topsy-turvy, devastating lives. Nothing is the same. We are beginning to turn right-side up, so to speak, but life must now be perceived through differently tinted glasses. Where we go from here—what comes next? One personal side effect for me was the suspension of my audio sessions for the... Read More »

Poseidon Power Cord from Stage III Concepts

The first inkling something outrageous was approaching came abruptly with the email teasers. Soon a conversation ensued (or, more accurately, a monologue) with Brian Ackerman, the Stage III Concepts distributor and proprietor of Aaudio Imports, about a product so far beyond the pale—a power cord weighing 35 lbs, essentially equal to three individual Stage III... Read More »

AudioQuest Noise-Stopper Caps

Stick around long enough and you get to witness the life cycle of a fad. Presently, the audiophile community has been riding herd on RFI, judging by the third-party Band-Aids proliferating on Audiogon and webzine talk. I believe the interest to be an offshoot from the prior focus on the electrical ground: after all, RFI... Read More »

More from Fono Acustica: the Armónico Power Cables

Back when I went to public school, everyone took band. If you had no preference, they gave you whatever instrument needed players to fill a section—that's how a dented, silver trumpet wound up in my lap. Most of us consumed the hour by chilling out, with the exception of a small coterie of trumpet players... Read More »

Siltech Crown Princess Interconnect

If there was a robust market for high-end audio cables back in 1983, I wasn't aware of it, but that's when Siltech joined the fray. In 2018, they commemorated 35 years with a limited edition series. It's now 38 years! That's a long time in any business. The 35 Year Anniversary series is comprised of... Read More »

Fono Acustica Armónico Interconnect

Hecho a Mano When I first visited the Fono Acustica site, my attention was drawn to the repeated use of the words artisanal and hand-crafted. These are loaded words to the contemporary ear. As we move from the first machine age into the age of intelligent machines, they stimulate nostalgia for a bygone time when... Read More »

Audience frontRow Loudspeaker Cables

Advocacy for Neutrality Last year I came across several articles on high-end sites purporting to address, What is good sound? Most veered off to the vague and vapid, concluding, whatever floats your boat is good. Has it come to this? I know long-established standards smacking of elitism and privilege are under siege and youthful disruption... Read More »

Audience frontRow Interconnects

At the turn of the twentieth century, Igor Stravinsky rocked the classical firmament with scores such as Song of the Nightingale. One hundred years later, the work is still so fresh as to pull you up short, mouth agape, wondering, "Where did that come from?" I always go back to the Fritz Reiner / Chicago... Read More »

High End Head Scratchers: Why You Need Fancy Wires for Your Subs

This curious tale of low-end wires in a very high-end system to be filed in the "Things I Can't Explain" folder, is directed at keen observers with highly resolving, neutral systems. Not everyone will relate. Back in 2011, when I had installed the YG Acoustics Anat Studio speakers, my dealer gave me a spiel about... Read More »

Stage III Kraken Power Cords

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all agree what neutrality means? Webster's definition may be clear, but in the dialect of HiFi, we don't get off so easy. Is it a binary—either present or not—or a sliding scale with degrees of the quality? And consider that it is a loaded term carrying a positive... Read More »
