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Hack-a-Rack: An Equipment Stand for Audiophiles on a Budget from VTI

Yes, V-TEE-I. That is not a typo. VTI is not from New Jersey; they don't make turntables (although they support them nicely); as far as I know, the initials stand for something other than Virgo Taurus Industries. Actually, I had never heard of them until recently, myself. I was mulling the prospect of replacing my... Read More »

Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Triode Master Loudspeakers: Small Space, Big Sound!

I don't trust loudspeaker reviews. OK, you do realize you can't trust what you read in the paper, see in an advertisement, watch on cable news, hear on talk radio, or click on Facebook? Or anything on the Internet at all? Unless, a priori, you agree with the content, the trolls, or the known bias?... Read More »

Gold Note PH-10 Phono: EU EQ OK for US LPs?

Gang tackling is not usually part of the gameplan around team Positive Feedback, but if you are a fan of phono stages, you will note that I am the fourth reviewer here to get a chance to audition the Gold Note PH-10 (see HERE, HERE, and HERE). As my colleagues have ably pointed out, it... Read More »

A Few Afterthoughts on the 2017 Capital Audiofest

When it became apparent I would have to miss RMAF 2017 because of a schedule conflict involving a moving van, a ferry, and some fifty boxes of records (among other things), I took heart in knowing at least I had a fall-back. I cancelled my flights on Southwest and booked the American shuttle to D.C.... Read More »

The Revenge of Analog

The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter, by David Sax The morning of Black Friday, just two weeks and counting past a very bleak Wednesday, and still a bit drowsy from the previous day's over-indulgence, I opened the front door and stooped to pick up our copy of the NY Times. Instead... Read More »

Audio Sensibility Cables: Musings on Price and Prejudice

"I can cable an entire audiophile system for $1000" This was back in May of last year, and I was on the phone with Steven Huang of Audio Sensibility Cables, based in Toronto, Canada. I'm an old-school audio cheapskate, and had just remarked on how well one of Steve's very affordable phono cables had performed... Read More »

AudioPrism WaveGuide Common Mode Noise Filtration System: Return of the Tweak

There's every probability you already have an opinion about audiophile tweaks and the folks who review them. Sometimes it seems like half the double-blindsters on the internet remain fixated on the original AudioPrism StopLight CD marker pen, so discussing any device from that company entails a certain incendiary risk-especially as Positive Feedback now features a... Read More »

The iFi Micro iPhono - and Why All LPs Were Not Created EQual

  If you have followed the trending audiophile markets for headphone amps and DACs, you've probably stumbled across the iFi line of shiny, pocket-sized electronics much as I did. iFi is the budget brainstorm of UK high-end audio firm Abbingdon Music Research, gear designed in the UK, manufactured in China. The various products share extruded... Read More »

Symposium Acoustics Segue ISO Platform

  As an occasional contributor to this site, may I also mention that I "read" every issue of Positive-Feedback.com in more or less the same way I read the TAS and S'phile pulps. That is, not every word, but for the musings of certain personalities, and for others' commentary on topics, recordings, and equipment of... Read More »

Ever Wish Your LPs Were Ultrasonic Clean? Record Genie to the Rescue

Positive Feedback readers with an analog attitude will likely have taken special note of Myles B. Astor's extensive evaluations of both the Audio Desk Systeme and the Klaudio ultrasonic record cleaning machines. While the two machines have significant differences in how the ultrasonic technology is utilized, they share both the basic "toaster" form factor, and—how'd you guess?—the same price. $4000. ... Read More »
