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Impressions: Portraits from AXPONA 2023, a Gallery

02-06-2024 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 131

As I explained many months ago last May in Issue 127, my 2023 show impressions for both AXPONA and Pacific Audio Fest were derailed and terribly delayed by death...family and close friends...disease, and depressive moments. Top it off with too much work and some travel, and, well here I am.

But I'm working on finishing out last thoughts on these two events.

Meanwhile, I am publishing this set of my portraits from AXPONA 2023.

People are the most important thing, and my photographic art shows you what I see as I look out of to see into...

"This Lifes dim Windows of the Soul, Distorts the Heavens from Pole to Pole, And leads you to Believe a Lie, When you see with not thro the Eye..."

– William Blake, "VII The Everlasting Gospel, 1818(?)

The Hand of the Harpist, a study in ink outline...

Kermit Heartsong

Bill Parish, Kahuna of GTT Audio, a study with cigar in fresco

Ewald Verkerk of Vivid Audio and Mola Mola, a moment in fresco

Joe Kubala of Kubala-Sosna Research

Dick Diamond of GTT Audio

Michael Laurance and Juan C. Ayllon of Positive Feedback

Chad Kassem with RTR Tapes at the AS/AP area:  a study in watercolor

Alan Kafton:  a moment in time

David W. Robinson, Philip O'Hanlon, and Michael Fremer (photographer unknown)

Michael Lavorgna of Twittering Machines being skillfully photobombed by Scot Hull of Part-Time Audiophile

Greg Weaver, Chief Honcho of the audio analyst

Harpist Isabeau Corriveau in the midst of her passion...

Alberto Guerra surrounded by his designs in the AGD Productions room

Ari Margolis of Aurender with their forthcoming AP20 Integrated

Sue Toscano of Toscano Communications:  a portrait

Some rowdy members of the American Audiophile Cigar Society:  Scott Hull, Greg Weaver, and Marc Phillips

A portrait of Lars Kristensen of Audio Group Denmark

Lou Hinkley...a moment in time

Fred Ainsley of LampizatOr America

Randy Forman of Finest Fidelity, getting mellow with his Avantgarde Unos, a study in Dry Brush

Joy Lavrencik of Critical Mass Systems, a portrait

Valerio Cora of Acora Acoustics and Audio Research

Purist Audio's Kimberly Aud-Stahl

Chad Kassem of Acoustic Sounds and Analogue Productions...a moment while passing at night

Marc Phillips of Part-Time Audiophile, in medias puffus...

Romain Vet of Focal

Scott Hull of Part-Time Audiophile:  a study in dry brush

A portrait of Michael Vamos of Audio Skies

Chad Kassem and his colleague Marc Sheforgen of Acoustic Sounds, a study in fresco

Bruce Jacobs and Paul Jayson:  a moment

Carolyn Counnas of Zesto Audio...

...together with George Counnas, the lead designer

Dan Wright of ModWright, taking a break for a portrait

David MacPherson of Studio Electric, sharing the space with ModWright

Lars Kristensen and Peter Hanson of Audio Group Denmark

Michael Fremer, middish night

Lou Hinkley of Pacific Audio Fest and Southwest Audio Fest fame, toasting leave-taking at O'Hare airport....

Let my photographs speak for themselves; see what you can see.

All photographs and image processing by David W. Robinson, except as noted. Drawing of the Jabberwock by Sir John Tenniel, in the public domain.