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AXPONA 2020 Has Been Rescheduled!

03-09-2020 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 108

Heads up!

I have just received the following very important letter from Joel Davis of JD Events regarding the rescheduling of AXPONA 2020, and share it with our readers:

"Dear AXPONA Community,

AXPONA has been rescheduled from April 17-19 to August 7-9, 2020 out of concern for the health and safety of all participants due to the growing coronavirus situation. This decision was made following an outpouring of feedback from the AXPONA community over the last 72 hours.

The three most consistent themes we heard were, 1) fears of attending public events will increase in March and April, 2) AXPONA should still be held in 2020, and 3) reschedule later this year if possible. Although the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel is booked solid all year, they offered us a week in August that will accommodate all of AXPONA's space needs. So we secured it.

We rescheduled out of an abundance of caution during this unpredictable time to provide the best opportunity for a well-attended event and to ensure the best AXPONA experience for all show goers in 2020. We will contact all exhibitors and attendees directly later this week as we work through the details of the move.

Our sole priority today is to communicate this news immediately so everyone can adjust their plans accordingly. We thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience.

We look forward to seeing you all at AXPONA in August!

Joel Davis
JD Events"