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25 Music Releases That Ended Up Making Me Smile

12-03-2018 | By Dave Clark | Issue 100

So, yeah… I buy a lot of music every year and little if any of it will ever be mistaken for that of the typical audiophile genres: jazz, female vocals, classical, or whatever. No, the music I buy tends to fall way outside what is heard at audio shows or seen in various audiophile magazines… just not what the vast majority of audiophiles listen to, or might even consider worth listening to… well except perhaps Michael Lavorgna who publishes Twittering Machines (HERE) and John Darko who publishes Darko Audio (HERE). Perhaps why I love these guys and appreciate their musical recommendations.

With all that said, well perhaps not so much all that being said, here are 25 releases that ended up making an impression on me as they all saw a fair amount of playing time in our system in 2018—and will likely continue to get even more time in the coming years. These titles range from electronic, to drone, to alternative rock, to noise, to ambient, to what the hell is this? I should add a caution here; these are not for the causal listener... some will tax a system with extended bass and their dense complexity of stuff to drill through aurallywhereas others are more subtle and stark requiring a very low noise floor to appreciate their beauty. Most will result in you thinking I have no taste in music or what the hell is this shit? All of these can be found via a Google search leading you to Bandcamp, Boomkat, Amazon, or YouTube allowing you to give them a listen or to even make a purchase (Click the HERE for links to one of those sites... you are welcome.). Many are available on LP, CD, or digital file (wav, flac, etc.). Enjoy.

Optix, Boris Divider HERE

Age of, Oneohtrix Point Never HERE

After the Flash Flood, Prairie HERE

Any Day, The Sea and Cake HERE

Blaze Away, Morcheeba HERE

Faces of Earth (Hominid Sounds), Melting Hand HERE

Chemistry Lessons Volume 1, Chris Carter HERE

Double Negative, Low HERE

Empire, Markus Guentner HERE

Hunting Season is Open, Hypnodrone Ensemble HERE

Dead Magic, Anna von Hausswolff HERE

Isbryter, thisquietarmy HERE

Polybrass, Elektro Guzzi HERE

Thought Gang, Thought Gang HERE

As Light Return, The Telescopes HERE

Pissing Stars, Efrim Manuel Menuck HERE

Remnant, Lorn HERE

Persona, Rival Consoles HERE

The Endless Sea, Terminal Sound System HERE

Somewhere Else, Profligate HERE

The Room Inside the World, Ought HERE

Have Fun, Smerz HERE

Cocoa Sugar, Young Fathers HERE

Abnormal Monitoring of Inner Voices, OSME HERE

Live on the Road: Koko, UNKLE HERE