The Locus Design Cynosure v2 Audiophile Quality USB
Cable: A Classic is Reborn
by Andy Schaub
Why ABX Testing Usually
Produces Null Results with Human Subjects
by Teresa Goodwin
The Zu Audio Soul Superfly Art Project...
With a Lot of Help from Bel Canto, Nordost, Silver Circle, Wadia, and Ultralink/XLO
by Dave and Carol Clark

High Resolution Audio,
What is Next?
by Teresa Goodwin
From the Other
Side of the Door: THE Show Newport Beach
by Carol Clark
Pure Music: Not Just an Alternative to Amarra
by Andy Schaub
From Clark Johnsen's Diary: A Short Report
Newport Beach
Dr. Digital…
Why would anyone want to spend more than $300
on a USB DAC?
The Bryston BDP-1: A Musical Squeezebox of Sound
by Andy Schaub
The Next Ten Very Best High-End Audio Accessories,
but Not Necessarily the Most Expensive
by Robert H. Levi
Loses One of its Own: The Passing of Mike Rodman
by David W. Robinson
The Triode Audio Corporation TRX-PM84: Everything
You Need in One Package, Tubes Included
by Andy Schaub
Sonic Satori - Great Music, Great Friends, and
Great Sound. What More Do You Need?
by Michael Mercer
Two Stupendous Audio Accessories for the Maximum
by Robert H. Levi
Farewell to a Fallen Brother - Saying Goodbye
With a Heavy Heart to Lee Weiland of Locus Design &
by Michael Mercer

Goodbye to Lee Weiland...
by Josh Heiner
CD-3.5 CD Player
as reviewed by Kent Johnson
EKCO Audio
EV55SE Integrated Amplifier
as reviewed by Gary Lea
Gingko Audio
as reviewed by Francisco Duran
Absolute Interconnect and Speaker Cables
as reviewed by Michael Wechsberg

Rogersound Labs
Compression Guide (CG) Stereo System
as reviewed by Michael Wechsberg
Pete Riggle Audio
Engineering String Theory Tonearm
as reviewed by John Hoffman
Pulsus Phono Stage
as reviewed by Ed Kobesky
Pass Labs
XP-15 Phono Preamplifier
as reviewed by Robert Youman
Sony XA-5400ES Signature Truth Modified CD
as reviewed by Ryan Coleman
Sablon Audio
Panatela Interconnects
as reviewed by Jeff Day
Soundstring Cable
Technologies Generation II Cable Systems
as reviewed by Will Wright
Synergistic Research
Tesla LE REL SPEC Subwoofer Cable and Tesla
SE T3 AC Power Cord
as reviewed by Robert S. Youman
Blue Circle Audio
BC 507/509 DAC
as reviewed by Gary Lea
Channel Islands Audio
VDC-SB High Current Squeezebox™
Power Supply
as reviewed by Andre Marc
Steve Hoffman on the New Release of the Nat King Cole SACD/45 RPM LP series CARRIED OVER
David Robinson
David Chesky -
On himself, Chesky Records, HDTracks, and the Future of the Music Biz as
David Robinson
YG Acoustics Factory Tour
by Marshall Nack
An Interview with John
Stronczer of Bel Canto
by Robert Learner
T.H.E. Show Newport 2011
text and
photos by Steve Lefkowicz
Robert Plant and The Band of Joy: Live at Copley
Symphony Hall, San Diego, CA June 8th 2011
by Andre Marc
Daniel Lanois and Black Dub Live at the House of
Blues, San Diego, May 31st, 2011
by Andre Marc
by Marshall Nack
Newport Show, 2011
by Francisco Duran
T.H.E. Show Newport 2011 - Part 2
text and
photos by Steve Lefkowicz
The California Audio Show in San Francisco, July 2011
by Dave and Carol Clark
Notes of an Amateur: Wolpe, Druckman,
and Feldman
by Bob Neill
The Future Is Here- Audio
Still Rules
by Karl Lozier
New Releases From Reference
Recordings, Chandos, LSO Live, 2L, ATMA Classique, and Naxos
by Karl Lozier
by Stephen Francis Vasta
Shabbaz Palaces,
Black Up
by Michael Mercer
Vinyl Reissue of
Columbia MS 6043
by Roger S. Gordon
Fleetwood Mac,
Rumours 45RPM Warner Music Reissue
by Danny Kaey
Notes of an Amateur: Mahler 3/Jansons; Nicolas
McGegan and Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra Return;
Stephen Dodgson
Bob Neill
Mozart / Grieg: Works for Two Pianos, Vol. II - the
Norwegian Label 2L Continues to Excel
by Greg Maltz