Behind the Booths & Back Vol.2 - T.H.E. Show Newport 2016 Michael Mercer ...Dharma D1000 electrostatic/dynamic hybrid cans, super-tweeters, and two-way speakers are all top-notch in my book—more on the cans ASAP) and Woo Audio. My good friend Michael Liang with Woo wanted...
Early Impressions: Woo Audio's WA7TP Audio 360 Six months ago, we caught our first sight of Woo Audio's WA7tp prototype at CanJam 2013. It was unassumingly dressed in a faux WA7 enclosure, and plainly labeled as a...
Etsuro Urushi Bordeaux Moving Coil Phono Cartridge Editors at Positive Feedback ...phono preamp. The phono preamp was at first connected to my reference Mark Levinson No 523 full-function preamplifier, then to a Merrill Audio Christina Reference, and then a Woo Audio...
The Aurender N100H and The Well-Rumored Death of the Mac mini Andy Schaub ...Audio Note DAC 3.1x/II Balanced DAC, the least expensive Audio Note DAC with a balanced output, and I knew from my experience with my Audio Note DAC 4.1x Balanced Signature...
TAVES 2016 Malcolm J. Gomes ...a set of 7B Cubed and 3B cubed amplifiers driving the woofers and mid/tweeters respectively. In the Woo Audio room, Jack Woo gave us demos of their Sony MDR-Z1R (US$2300),...
2014 Capital Audiofest Scott Dorsey ...Tana turntable shelf from Kanso Audio Furniture. This is a very ingenious isolation platform for the turntable that hangs off your wall. Kanso had a wide variety of audio stands...
The 12th Annual Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2015 - The Best of the Best! Updated! Carol Clark hi-fi or personal audio, and the AK380 is at the bleeding-edge of the high end personal audio arts. As I sit here bangin' away at the keyboard, listening to...
RMAF 2017 Photo Essay Part 5 Carol Clark featured three systems with components from Mojo Audio, Exit Level Audio, HiFiMan, and MrSpeakers. Mojo Audio. Another room with glorious sound. Daedalus Audio Apollo loudspeakers. ModWright Instruments KWA 150SE...
Newport THE Show 2014 - A Pictorial Essay of Sorts... Part 4 Dave Clark ...The other Audio Element room showing dCS, Transparent, VTL, Wilson, and Grand Prix Audio. Graham Engineering with TechDAS. Acapella Audio. Volti Audio with Bordrr Patrol, Audio Electronics, and Triode Wire...
Musings on Building a Digital Music Server Goes Portable: The Chord Mojo and the Importance of Synergy Andy Schaub ...still like the Moon Audio better. "The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say."(*) Kindest regards, Andy (*)"Time" by Pink Floyd
Newport THE Show 2014 - A Pictorial Essay of Sorts... Part 1 Dave Clark ...Audio and Master-Built Audio Cables. GTT Audio showing the Grimm Audio system. AudioQuest with Vandersteen and Audio Research in one of the Optimal Enchantment rooms. The other Optimal Enchantment room...
RMAF 2015 - Part 2 Dave Clark ...Constellation Audio, Wilson Audio, Nordost. Woo Audio Schiit Audio ALO Audio Mr. Speakers George the man. Cavali Audio Audeze Astell and Kern Lots from iFi Cardas Oppo Audioquest Centrance...
Impressions: The Sonoma Acoustics Model One Headphones [UPDATED] David W. Robinson ...and let 'em bloom. So I ran it for several days with a varying set of music, with the headphones mainly hanging on my Woo Audio stand while I worked....
Qobuz Named Official Streaming Platform of CanJam: Feb 16-17 in NYC Positive Feedback ...Jerry Harvey Audio, Meze Audio, MrSpeakers, NAD, PSB, Schiit Audio, Sennheiser, STAX, Westone, Woo Audio, and and many, many more. See here for the full exhibitor list: The headphone...
Audeze CRBN Electrostatic Headphones Robert H. Levi ...personal listening for the LA&OC Audio Society, for lending me the Woo.) The CRBN was compared to my Stax 009 and Lambda Signature headphones. John Williams setting up the Woo...
Day 3 AXPONA 2018: The Final Push Myles B. Astor ...(We agree - Dave and Carol Clark) First up on Sunday was the Classic Audio speaker, Atma-sphere tube electronics, Kuzma table/Tri-planar arm and United Home Audio reel-to-reel tape machine room....
Musings on Building a Digital Music Server: The Next Generation Andy Schaub ...use my analog front end (now a Transrotor Rossini with a Jelco tonearm and Audio Note Io-1 phono cartridge plus an Audio Note AN-S9 stepup transformer) and my Audio Note...
PF's Rip Van Winkle Awakens - The Place Formerly Known as Stu's Stu McCreary ...of the most notable editors, writers, company owners, and industry insiders in the audio world. No kidding. The list is like a who's who of audio. Let me drop a...
More Than 8,000 Attendees and 400 Exhibitors at the 9th Annual AXPONA Positive Feedback ...the show again next year,” said Jack Wu, founder and president, Woo Audio. “AXPONA was a major success this year. From strong show organization to a high degree of information...