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Positive Feedback ISSUE 9
october/november 2003
Our readers respond
we respond right back!
Cables: Audio Epistemology, Intuitive
and Counter-Intuitive, Rachmaninoff, And My Grandmother
by Max Dudious
Play On!
by Corno de Basetto
From Clark Johnsen's Diaries: The
Forbidden City
by Clark Johnsen
Auroville 22: On Audio Shows
by Srajan Ebaen
Alternatives to 5.1 for Multichannel
by John Sunier
My recollections and thoughts on
recording The Window and on DSD/SACD for independent musicians like myself...
by David Elias
The Scull Factor
by Jonathan Scull
Auroville 23 - On the bigger
by Srajan Ebaen
Dog Yummies - Autumn 2003 Wagging My
Tail Reflections From The Cornfield: Making Bricks Without Straw
by Chip Stern
Morel 5.1 Vitra Home Theatre
as reviewed by Roger S. Gordon
E.A.R. 890 amplifier
as reviewed by Robert H. Levi
Meier Audio HA-1 Mark II Corda headphone
as reviewed by Gary L. Beard and John Brazier
AKG K1000 headphones
as reviewed by Gary L. Beard
GW Labs Cyclops integrated
as reviewed by Francisco Duran
Morel Acoustics USA Duet surrounds and Renaissance Phantom subwoofer
by Max Dudious
Decware ZSLA-1 preamplifier
as reviewed by Francisco Duran
Xindak SCD-2 SACD/CD player
as reviewed by Robert H. Levi
Transrotor Leonardo 25/40 turntable and Shelter 501 II
MC cartridge
as reviewed by Roger S. Gordon
PS Audio HCA-2 amplifier
as reviewed by John Zurek
Elrod Power Systems Statement AC cords
as reviewed Bob Neill
VMPS 626R loudspeakers
as reviewed by Steve Lefkowicz
WAVAC HE-833 SET amplifiers
as reviewed by David Robinson
Coda Continuum Unison integrated
as reviewed by Tom Campbell
Nightingale Armonia integrated
as reviewed by Francisco Duran and Larry Cox
Verity Audio Tamino X2 and X3 loudspeakers
as reviewed by Larry Cox
Richard Strauss, Ein Heldenleben
by Steve Vasta
Dog Yummies - Pick of the Litter; Nicholas Payton, Sonic
by Chip Stern
Cantate Domino
by Tom Gibbs
Dog Yummies - Old Bones; Modern Jazz Quartet, Bill Smith,
and Bob Brookmeyer
by Chip Stern
Early Fall Goody Bag of Classical Recordings, Part 1 Walter
Piston and Vilvadi
by Bob Neill
Hi-Res reviews featuring our friends from Audiophile
Audition, Part 1
Hi-Res reviews featuring our friends from Audiophile
Audition, Part 2
Early Fall Goody Bag of Classical Recordings, Part 2
Bach and Beethoven
by Bob Neill
Early Fall Goody Bag of Classical Recordings, Part 3
Wisplewey and Hayden
by Bob Neill
An interview with Jerry Ramsey of Audio Magic
by Dave Clark
Positive Feedback Online Interviews: Allen Wright of
Vacuum State Electronics
by David W. Robinson
2003 VSAC Picture Gallery
by Dave Clark
VSAC 2003 - A Terrific Regional Fine Audio Show!
Photo Essay, Part I: The First Day
by David W. Robinson
VSAC 2003 - A Terrific Regional Fine Audio Show!
Photo Essay, Part II: The Second Day, First Chapter
by David W. Robinson
Positive Feedback Online's VSAC 2003 "X
Files"-Photos That They Didn't Pay Us Enough Not To Print!
by David W. Robinson
VSAC 2003 - A Terrific Regional Fine Audio Show! Photo
Essay, Part III: The Second Day, Second Chapter
by David W. Robinson
VSAC 2003: Micro-watt Amps, Music and Microbrews
by Dave Glackin
VSAC 2003 - A Terrific Regional Fine Audio Show!
Photo Essay, Part IV: Notes and Images from the First Floor and Departure
by David W. Robinson
Critical Reception: The 2003 AES Show in New York
by Scott Dorsey |