You are reading the older HTML site Positive Feedback ISSUE 8 august/september 2003
acoustic masterpiece AM-201 integrated as reviewed by Fransico Duran and Roger McNichols, Jr.
The AM-201 carries on that tradition. It is gorgeous. The tubes and transformers are hidden under a beautiful louvered wooden bonnet. The tall, brushed aluminum faceplate is mounted to a chassis which is powder coated with a blue/gray metallic finish that is one of the handsomest I have seen on a piece of audio equipment. The amp is fitted with four inputs and very high-quality speaker binding posts. The fine craftsmanship is carried through to the amp's sleek interior. The transformer caps are painted the same metallic color as the chassis. The mounting of the four EL-84 power tubes and connection hardware is very sturdy. The controls and switches feel solid to the touch. This is a sleek, well-built amp that is designed to be the centerpiece of a high-quality audio system. My first impression of the AM-201 was that it sounded warm, sweet, and inviting. This was not a bad start. When trying to get a handle on the sound of an amp, I play many familiar discs. With the AM-201, it was easy to get lost in the music, sonics be damned! My son and I are Vangelis fans. One recent purchase is his Oceanic CDa 1996 release, but hey, it's new to us. As usual, Vangelis plays a number of electronic and acoustic keyboards, and the dynamic range can go from soft to quite loud in one song. At my volume preference and louder, the AM-201 tracked dynamics quite well, although transient attacks sounded a little soft. Track two segues into track three with a beautiful melody on solo piano. While the slight softness was evident, the piano sounded full, weighty, and clean. This track is so beautiful that the sweetness of the amp was icing on the cake!
I then turned to something a little snappierWildflowers, Tom Petty's release of a few years ago. Cymbals and the sibilance from Tom's vocals were not as sharp as when I listen to these tracks through either of my amps, but there was enough air, sparkle, and detail to balance out the rest of the musical spectrum. On track five, "It's Good to be King," the cymbals and the upper end of the piano did sound slightly polished. I'm not complaining, since I didn't get the feeling that anything was missing. What was there, though, was grain-free and clean.
The AM-201 and the Zu Druid speakers, with their 101dB sensitivity, were a very good match. The Druids are designed to work with amps from 10 to 300 watts, and the Acoustic Masterpiece drove them with headroom to spare. The sound stayed clean and undistorted at levels much higher than I cared to listen, even with discs that had unbridled dynamics. The AM/Zu combo also locked on to discs like Easy Now, Jeb Roy Nickol's 2002 release. On the songs "Letter to an Angel" and "Heaven Help Me," the music bloomed all around these tall speakers. The music was sweet and warm, yet detailed, and the presentation was most inviting. Perhaps you don't want a pair of 1000-watt monoblock behemoth amps that weigh a ton and cut your body every time you pass by those sharp-edged heat sinks? Would something like 24 tube watts from the little AM-201 fit the bill? A speaker of relatively high efficiency, with an impedance curve that stays pretty even, is in order for sensible partnering. The little Acoustic Masterpiece possesses a nice balance of musical virtues. It draws the listener into the emotional content of the music, which is one of the most important things a stereo component can do. The AM-201 is also a stunner in the looks department. When you get home at the end of the day, do you want to be beaten over the head with hyper detail, mechanical and over-tight bass, and musical timbre that is off by a mile? If you prefer warmth and musical satisfaction, you'll like the sound of the Acoustic Masterpiece AM-201 amp. Me too. Francisco Duran
I imagine that many audiophiles are in a similar situation with their systems. Many face the turmoil of choicessome ludicrous, some intriguing, some worthwhilebut when it involves a tube integrated amplifier (or, for that matter, most tube gear) the process can be as daunting and intimidating as the high-stakes choices faced by the voters in California. When it comes to tube gear, you can audition everything from Gary Coleman-sized, low-powered tube amps to monstrously sized, powered, and priced Arnold Schwarzenegger models costing more than most new vehicles. If you are looking for an integrated amp, or are considering replacing your current amplifier, there are many, many manufacturers vying for the job. Now, from the proven-over-time producers of Air Tight products, comes a small but serious contender, the Acoustic Masterpiece AM-201. The AM-201 is an eleven-tube, 24-watt (RMS) stereo integrated amplifier. This small but sharp-looking amp is totally hand crafted, with no PCBs employed. It sports an aluminum faceplate with an attractive bias balance meter in the center. The faceplate fronts a nice, dark wood case with ample vents to dispense the heat generated by the tubes. All of the switches and controls are clearly marked and straightforward: Power, Bias Balance, Volume, and Input Selector. The design and build quality are first class, attractive, and pleasing to look at. I replaced my Rowland Concentra integrated amp with the AM-201, in the process substituting 24 tube watts for 100 solid state watts to drive my Sonus Faber Electa Amators. After it had an hour of warm up time playing music at a low volume, I sat down to listen. I found the music warm and lush, and relaxed to just listen. After one hour, then two, I got out a yellow pad to take notes, and upon close listening noticed that the sound was rather uninvolving. I had no major complaints, but the amplifier's presentation seemed middle-of-the-road and average. Upon listening to favorite tracks on the CDs I most enjoy, I anticipated special moments, but they seemed ever so slightly diminished. The amp was not overly sweet or euphonically colored. The bass was a tad on the light side. Dynamics were just above average, certainly not heart-stopping. The AM-201 is not a cost-no-object design, and while it deserves a serious listen, it also requires some toleration in certain areas. I also think that my speakers were not a perfect match because of their sensitivity rating.
The Acoustic Masterpiece AM-201 is a reasonably priced, well-designed tube integrated amplifier. I encourage any listener to carefully match it with speakers with plenty of sensitivity. In the upcoming recall election, I'm not voting for Gary Coleman or Arnold Schwarzenegger, but for now I am keeping my choices open. The AM-201 gets a nod of approval from me, but not my vote. Roger McNichols, Jr. Acoustic Masterpiece
AM-201 integrated Axiss Distribution