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Positive Feedback ISSUE 53
CES 2011 Page 7
Joe Kubala and Carol, sharing a laugh.
Paul McGowan of PS Audio, talking about the Perfect Wave techology in the new $1600 line of products.
Jim Laib of PS Audio.
Paul McGowan giving an overview of PS Audio. Lot's happening here at PS Audio and all good! Like a new DAC, Digital Lens, and such for like $1600 each... and ready to go via networks.
The backside of the new Power Plant from PS Audio.
Scott McGowan, left, and Paul McGowan.
PS Audio products DAC and integrated.
PS Audio's new Power Plant and their Perfect Wave seperates.
PS Audio's extension boxes.
Carol and Chris Sommovigo.
Valve Amplification Company.
Turntable in the Cardas, VAC, King Sound room featuring a Triplanar arm.
Kevin Hayes of VAC chatting with Roger Gordon of PFO.
Another look at VAC, Cardas Audio, and King Sound.
Carol and Jeff Smith of Silversmith.
In the Avatar Acoustics room the new APL DAC.
Avatar Acoustics featured products by Abbingdon Musical Research, Acoustic System Int'l., AMI HiFi, Dr. Feickert Analogue, and Rosso Fiorentino.
HRT Music Streamers in the Muse Electronics room.
Muse Electronics system, Elite AV, Furutech, Hannl, HRT, Kuzma, L'Art du Son, and Plinius Audio.
HRT Music Streamers, represented by Elite AV.
The HRT Music Streamer, quite a awesome product.
Muse Electronics.
TAD, a wonderful sounding system!
Andrew Jones in the TAD room.
Daniel Weiss and Kent Poon... nice guys!
Weiss, Hegel, Venture, and more.
Amarra playing in the Cardas, Avalon, Edge room via an HRT DAC.
Avalon Acoustics with Edge, Avalon, and Cardas Audio.
Ayre Acoustics with Cardas Audio and TAD loudspeakers.
Lamm Industries ML3 Signature amplifiers, $139,290 a pair. Wilson Audio Alexandria X-2 loudspeakers, $159,000 a pair.
The Lamm system, Critical Mass Systems stands.
MIT Cables top-of-the-line.
Magico loudspeakers with MIT Cables.
Another view of the Magico and MIT Cables room.