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Positive Feedback
Good Times at CES 2003: A Photo Essay, Part 2
by David W. Robinson
(All photographs and image processing by Robinson)

Well, who should I run into right after visiting with Jim Ricketts but some
members of "dah t'oird (no, not "turd") estate"Dan
Sweeney of The Absolute Sound on the left, the inestimable Clark
Johnsen of Positive Feedback Onlineplus former PFer Rich
Brkich of Signature Sound! Dan's another SACD enthusiast; he and
I have chatted a time or two before via phone. Clark's a long-time friend and contributor
to PF/PFO, and one of the best writers in fine audio in my humble opinion.
Rich has been a bud for a long time... he shifted from engineering into fine audio years
agonow that's commitment.
We shoot the breeze for a while... when suddenly...

the plot thickens! Down the hallway comes none other than Marty
DeWulf of Bound for Sound ! Marty's a great fellow, of long (virtual)
acquaintance. After all these years, this is the first time that we finally got to meet
face to face. Marty and Clark enjoy the moment
it isn't often that such a chunk of
the "audio underground" gathers, even in passing. Well, except at the Vacuum
State-of-the-Art Conference (VSAC) up in the Pacific NW, eh?

Rich Brkich is a good friend of Lila's and mine. Audio
friendships like this can last a lifetime. (If you have no idea of what I'm talking about,
or why I have so many photos of people"this is supposed to be an
audio journal, dammit!!"then you, my friend, need to get a life!

Carol and Dave Clark with Lila Ritsema in an
official mug shot. Suitable for the Post Office wall and everything! These are some of the
key folks who put PF Online... well... online. See? Now you can recognize

Dave Clark gets editorial all over yon PFO reviewer Roger S. Gordon. What

Audio art in the Axiss room! One of Arturo Manzano's
Transrotors looking quite smashing, I must say...

...and that wasn't the end of it! The Odeons paired with the new
Air Tight reference 300W reference monoblocks were looking pretty choice.
Now if we could just listen to such setups under something other than show conditions...

Will Caesars never wonder? Here's the Townshend Rock Reference turntable
and Helios arm, on display at Dan Meinwald's fine E.A.R.
room. Max Townshend has been working on this turntable/tonearm for years,
now; I certainly hope that he's eventually able to get it into production. Anyway, when I
got there, Stereophile's Mike Fremer and Dan were crawling all over this setup.
It's certainly unlike most other tables and tonearms that I've seen... complete with
remote adjustable VTA, for the terminal perfectionists out there. (You know who you are!)
Definitely a sort of "retro British look" to these eyes.

Now you can see the Helios arm with the unique
"trough" for absorbing and draining excess vibration from the cartridge.

Our very good friend Dan Meinwald of E.A.R. USA,
by the Townshend Rock Reference turntable, and surrounded by a gorgeous
gaggle of gear by Maestro Tim de Paravicini... really luscious stuff, and
great sounding too!

And here we have it... Mike Fremer and Dan
conferring about the de Paravicini kit and the Townshend table. The de Paravicini M100 A
monoblock is to the left; 100 WPC into just about any load known to mankind.

Speaking of de Paravicini... there he was, right outside. That ava
rarisa true fine audio design genius... there aren't too many.

Right around the corner... more of the phine phile press! Ross
and Arnis from The Audiophile Voice. I've known Arnis Balgalvis
for years... a truly great person, and a good friend. |