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Ten Years Gone - A Long
Awaited Return to Vinyl Playback
About ten years ago, I was forced to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. For a host of reasons, I sold my analog-based big rig and replaced it with a home-theater-oriented system that was less than one-tenth its value. Gone were the Magneplanars, Classe monoblock amps and preamp, high-end CD transport and outboard DAC, and my prized Linn turntable and cartridge. I also sold most of my LPs, holding onto fifty or so treasured titles that I considered irreplaceable despite the fact that the prospects of playing them again seemed remote. My musical life seemed to be pretty much over, and I spent precious little time listening to anything that remotely resembled music. The intervening years found me facing a variety of financial challenges, including my wife's ongoing battle with cancer and putting my daughter through a prohibitively expensive private college. Still, life has been pretty good, and I have managed to weather all this without having to file for bankruptcy—yet. I've also taken a much less elitist approach to music listening. While I still dream about winning the lottery and filling a palace with expensive electronics, I've become much more firmly rooted in reality. Over the years, with thrifty shopping at second-hand audio salons, I've managed to rebuild my system in piecemeal fashion, including SACD playback. And while my listening is still essentially home-theater-based, I've managed to add the option of higher-resolution multi-channel and two-channel listening. My current setup doesn't hold a candle to my former system, but I've become comfortable with its ability to deliver satisfying, realistic multi-channel and two-channel music. SACD fundamentally changed my approach to listening to music. There are some incredibly well-recorded SACDs, and the opportunity to listen to classic performances like the three-channel Mercury and Living Stereo discs has been a revelation. And while the SACD situation has gotten a little murky over the last year or so, enough new music was coming out to keep me happy with a digitally-based music system for a long time, at least until my wife surprised me with an early birthday present—a new turntable! I guess she was paying attention when I told her about the offers I'd received from Classic Records and Sundazed of review copies of recent LP releases. And while I was concerned at first about how the turntable would interface with my system, I needn't have worried. It has been a slam dunk, and the LPs have slammed every competing medium. The last six weeks have been miraculous, and have given me an opportunity to compare some recent SACD releases of RCA Living Stereo recordings to their vinyl counterparts. Of the first three LPs I received from Classic Records, two—Respighi's Pines of Rome/Fountains of Rome and Strauss Waltzes—have just been released as multi-channel SACDs, and the third, Stokowski's Rhapsodies, was released on SACD last year. I have waxed poetic elsewhere about the superb quality of the RCA Living Stereo SACD releases, and we are not likely to see higher-quality incarnations of these recordings in digital-disc format. Whether I listened to them in two or three channels, the experience was revelatory, easily shaming any Red Book CD versions. Most of the discs offer generous playing lengths, and are priced attractively. How does the vinyl compare? It has an undeniably intoxicating allure. Just holding these fabulous 200-gram black beauties transports me to another place and time, long before the record starts playing. The real magic begins when the needle hits the groove. The deja vu I thought I was experiencing a moment before becomes the real thing, and I am transported to the late 50s, on a wintry day in Chicago Orchestra Hall or another, similar destination. The experience is, in a word, incredible. These LPs are miles beyond anything currently available, and take the listening experience to the next level.
Vinyl isn't without its limitations. Even the 200-gram records are not completely noise free, and compared to digital discs, LPs must be handled rather more gingerly (and cleaned occasionally). The stylus also requires care, and of course, you have to jump up after every side to change the record. Boy, have I gotten lazy after ten years of playing nothing but CDs! But even with the mechanical shortcomings of an acoustic medium, these new LPs from Classic Records offer a level of musicality that is untouched by any other format. Some may find the thirty-dollar asking price prohibitive, but for those who have the wherewithal and the playback equipment, no finer listening experience can be had at any price. While the SACDs offer incredible bang for the buck, the LPs are the real deal, offering unparalleled realism. All of these LPs are very highly recommended.