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Positive Feedback ISSUE 16
november/december 2004


Rocky Mountain Audio Fest: Photo Essay, Part 1 (page 3)
by David W. Robinson

All show photographs by Porter and Robinson; image processing by Porter and Robinson.


Aha! Once I made it into Doc B's Bottlehead room, I knew I was in for something different. It seems that the good Doc has been working on headphone amps for audio engineering. On display were a couple of trusty-rusty Nagra open reel ma-cheens, ready to spread delight. I was more than ready!

A fresco of the Nagra… lovely, lovely workmanship!

El Medico B with a chain of Bottlehead devices, linked to pheed phones. The sound was truly delicious, amigos. I hope that Doc brings these out for non-audio engineers… we could use some fresh thinking in that realm.

Here's a rare site: a load of open reel tapes, courtesy of Doc B. Open reel tapes went away far too quickly for this editor….

A fresco of Doc's headphone playback components; lovely work, Doc!

Some very spiffy sound was being made in the Green Mountain/Audio Magic room. I met Roy Johnson of Green Mountain many years ago in Portland during an Oregon Triode Society/Positive Feedback presentation of his speakers. Roy's speakers have always made music, and they were doing so again at the RMAF.

Caught ‘em in the hall: Jerry Ramsey of Audio Magic with Dave Clark.

By about then, the afternoon was late and the PFO gang was ready for some brewskies! The Marriott had a good bar/snackery in the Great Divide Brewing company, down in a giant atrium on the first floor. Gangway!

Leading the pack: Coolacious Carol, exulting over a flashing electric guitar pin! (I got one, too… a Strat, natch!) Don't get in this girl's way…

And here it is! My one or twice a year "Carol with a beer" photo… this time in fresco, no less. No sir, don't let anyone tell you that fine audio ain't for girls, too… just check out the audiophile joy on that face!

At the first day's postmortem party, part one: Left to right, PFO's Bryan Gladstone, John Zurek, and Roger S. Gordon.

The party just kept growing: from left, Albert Porter (just out of the picture), Joe Cohen of Pranawire, Alan Kafton of audioexcellence az, Bryan Gladstone, Garth Leerer of Musical Surroundings, Roger S. Gordon (making a melodramatic point), Carol Clark, Dave Clark, and Lila Ritsema, all of PFO. The brews were flowing, for sure.

Steve Hoffman dropped by for a bit, a very good audio friend and one of my favorite mastering engineers. ‘Philes owe Steve quite a bit for caring about great recordings, and reissuing some miraculous music on SACD, vinyl and CD.

A fresco of Steve Hoffman enjoying a lighthearted moment with Alan Kafton of audioexcellence az ("Don't leave home without it!") and Joe Cohen of Pranawire.

"Please tell me that it's the end of the day!" Leaving the brews behind, I caught Mike Pappas of PFO/KUVO FM feeling like it was time to head for the barn. Heck, and this was just the end of day one!

As usual, the PFO gang went out to dinner, accompanied by our friends from A terrific time… but the second day of the show was coming up fast.