Comments on: Los Angeles Audio Show Part Two A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Wed, 07 Feb 2018 18:40:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcus Fri, 09 Jun 2017 07:34:00 +0000 In reply to PositiveFeedbackDiscussions.

Got it - thank you. I do know very well the demands of the larger shows...

By: Stephen Fleschler Fri, 09 Jun 2017 06:12:00 +0000 This was my wife's first audiophile show. We heard about 40+ rooms. She wants the Von Schweikert/VAC/Kronos system (unaffordable). Absolutely phenomenal with my own LPs. Second best at 3% of the price was the Volti/Perla Audio/Triode labs room. Yes it's 2/3rds horn speaker but she was groovin' to rock, pop and my own classical and jazz LPs. Not noisy as most horns and just the slightest semblance of a horn. GREAT! Also noteworthy were rooms with YG Sonia, Prana, Stein Music (partial horn-no horn sound), Harbeth H5 and Marten Django rooms. Disliked every Magico room (heard in 5 rooms-worst guitar sound either recorded or reproduced, just bad). Disliked the Tesoro speakers-hollow sounding from a Ramsey Lewis Down to Earth CD-wow, (nice guy though). Hegel equipment or room ruined Kef Blade 2s. Used dynamic 58' Urania percussion LP and Ramsey Lewis in most rooms. Focal speakers had a disconnect between highs and lows, weird, wife said they had an etched upper mid sound. Bigger Wilsons suffered from similar malaise as Magico's-just not musically engaging in classical and jazz. Sanders room suffered from poor placement and room affecting bass-bloated and one note. Record remastering friend who visited next day stayed at Volti/Perla Audio room 30 minutes due to great sound and great company reps. He thought Canton's flagship speaker at $16g was the best in show (but he missed the Von Schweikert room). First time I've written a partial review of my experience at a show after decades of attendance.

By: spinsLPs Thu, 08 Jun 2017 20:19:00 +0000 The Venice Audio room blew me away. Naim and Harbeth. A match made in heaven.

By: PositiveFeedbackDiscussions Thu, 08 Jun 2017 20:08:00 +0000 In reply to Marcus.

Our own! The issue is sitting for any extended period to get a strong impression of any room with only three days to cover a show of this size. I did the math the other day and 3 days gives us 1320 mins to cover the complete show from opening to closing. I one considers how many rooms, booths, tables, etc... you have less than an average of 5 mins in any room. Toss in lunch, the occasional trip to the bathroom, stopping to say hello to people in the hallways, waiting for elevators, and so on... that 5 mins is cut to a few... meaning we duck in, take some shots, and duck out. While in the room taking images one gets a brief impression of what is going on - meaning that if it sounds okay... it is probably pretty nice if we could sit and listen. So our comments "nice sound" is simply that - a way too brief hit and run reaction to what is happening. In the rooms where we could spend more time (based on the hit and run which gives us some additional time as needed) for sure there were a few that stood out... to name a few... ELAC, Evolution Acoustics, Rethm, Silverline, Ryan, Pranafidelity... and a good number more.

By: Marcus Thu, 08 Jun 2017 19:52:00 +0000 "Nice sound" all through obviously 🙂 Any favorites perhaps?
