Comments on: Los Angeles Audio Show Part One A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Thu, 01 Feb 2018 19:59:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Lefkowicz Sun, 18 Jun 2017 23:18:00 +0000 In reply to john marzy.

Thanks for both visiting our room, and clearly understanding why we did it. The whole goal was to get people to stop shaking their heads in astonishment over the high prices, and to instead realize that they could get their music sounding better at home in a price range they could accept. As I said many times using a car analogy; not every auto enthusiast can afford a Ferrari or even a Porsche, but many find great joy in a Miata, BRZ, or some other more reasonably priced offering. Not to say the more expensive stuff isn't better, but better doesn't help if if we can't write the check.
Have fun setting up your new system. Several of our reviewers write about more moderately priced gear, and hopefully that will help you towards deciding what to check out.

By: john marzy Sat, 10 Jun 2017 06:02:00 +0000 A Giant Thank You to Steve Lefkowicz for hosting the Getting Started room. I had to explain to my friends why I went to the show in the first place. $50 to 100k+ systems, really? I would say I cant afford a Monet but I still enjoy going to the Getty to see it. In a similar way I enjoyed the opportunity to listen to music on some some amazing systems. Then I discovered the Getting Started room. Here I was able to discover that good sound, maybe even great sound to these neophyte ears was possible. I loved the way Steve enthusiastically would switch speakers back and forth as new people came in so he could show off the reasonable priced products in the room. Most importantly Steve made sure that everyone got the opportunity to listen to music that they enjoyed so they could recognize the sound difference. I left knowing that a quality sound system was within my budget and I look forward, thanks to Positive Feedback and Steve, to starting the process of acquiring my new gear.
