Comments on: Papa's Got a Brand New Bag Part 2: AXPONA 2018 A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Sun, 01 Jul 2018 16:38:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maurice Jeffries Sun, 06 May 2018 23:13:00 +0000 In reply to Greg Weaver.

Thanks for the kind words, brother. The little M4 really stood out from the pack. At $3100/pr., it strikes me as an exceptional value. David and I are already discussing review details.

By: Maurice Jeffries Sun, 06 May 2018 23:11:00 +0000 In reply to Dave Lalin.

Thanks for the recommendations, Dave.

By: Greg Weaver Thu, 03 May 2018 18:06:00 +0000 Maurice, Part Deux did not disappoint! 😉 Nice report, my friend. I'm thrilled you were as taken with David Macpherson's Studio Electric system as you were. Now you know why I had to go out of my way to stop in to see his room. I've followed Dave's work for over a decade now, and he ALWAYS has great, not just good, sound in his rooms. I'm just sorry I didn't get to see some of the folks and rooms that you did. I grateful that I got to visit with Peter Madnick at dinner Saturday evening, as I didn't run into him at any other time over the event.

By: Dave Lalin Thu, 03 May 2018 05:55:00 +0000 Dear Mr. Jeffries, what a nice show report, we are especially pleased that you recognized the sound quality and value of two of our lines, the Rethem and Elac Adante series, we have both products on display at our Jersey City NJ, office.

The Rethem's are the first wideband loudspeaker that we have heard that actually has a good high frequency response, and killer bass, we heard the speaker at the Capitol Audio fest and signed up with Mark on the spot, they are such cool looking and great sounding speakers.

The Elac Adantes remind us of the Wilson Watt Puppy, clean, visceral, dynamic, huge soundstage and in terms of value they sound more like a $4k monitor then a $2.5k set!

In line with your opening comments on affordable excellent products you can great great results with the Rethem's with a little $1,600.00 Quad VA one tube amplifier, which also has a built in dac.

The little Quad amp is based on a famous 20 watt British Leak amplifier with a tick less power, 15 watts, which happen to drive the 93 Db efficient Rethem's very nicely so you have a total system price of $7k just add a streamer and some cables and you are good to go and the built in dac is quite good.

If you are also looking for a killer line of affordable loudspeakers the new Quad S and Z series employs one of the best ribbon tweeters on the market and the compact $1,000.00 S2 are just extraordinary for that price point.

If you are ever in our neck of the woods NYC metro please drop by we would love to play you the Quad Rethem system and our Adantes on the Naim Uniti Atom.

Dave Lalin, Audio Doctor
