Comments on: AXPONA 2016: Bodies, Motion, Sound
A Creative Forum for the Audio ArtsThu, 01 Feb 2018 20:31:09 +0000
By: Maurice Jeffries
Thu, 30 Jun 2016 02:04:00 +0000 I assume that your "picture is worth a thousand words" comment is in reference to the very moving scene I described in my Show Report. As a reviewer, but not a professional photographer, I am not always in a position to take photos of the images that capture my imagination. Such was the case here. I was busy listening to the music and taking notes when the two friends caught my eye. On a personal note, photographing the two as they left would - in my view - have attracted undue attention to them and would have felt a bit like spying. Certain images and encounters don't need to be photographed, although when and where one should draw that line very much remains a personal choice. I was uncomfortable photographing the friends as they departed and so I didn't.
By: gun_clutcher
Sun, 15 May 2016 13:46:00 +0000 wise man once said that a picture is worth a thousand words...just sayin'