I would amen your comments about the improved quality of these new SHM reissues, but multiply it in the case of the SACD versions...they are breathtaking! As a lover of electronic music from the start, I bought the entire set of four, and listen to them pretty regularly. It's great music for contemplation, and for writing, which I do regularly. I'm using our reference desktop system for this, which right now consists of an Esoteric DV-60 universal player (with Blu Ray), a Playback Designs IPS-3 Integrated amp with DSD DAC, Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One loudspeakers, Skogrand Beethoven interconnects, speaker cables, and power cables, Walker Audio Prologue Isolation Stands, and Furutech 303 Daytona Power Conditioning System,
Well said on this set...it's the real deal for all fans of TD and electronic music!
Dr. David W. Robinson