Comments on: The Spatial Audio Hologram M3 Turbo S Loudspeakers
A Creative Forum for the Audio ArtsSat, 17 Nov 2018 16:36:38 +0000
By: Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Triode Master Loudspeakers
Sat, 17 Nov 2018 16:36:38 +0000[…] but see below), and are recommended for rooms over 12' wide. John Zurek reviewed the M3 Turbo S HERE, and yes, you can trust his review. The more up-market X2 and X1 incorporate air-motion tweeters […]
By: Linear Tube Audio Micro ZOTL MZ2
Fri, 27 Oct 2017 19:36:59 +0000[…] I listened to the Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S (read that review HERE) I was hoping to pair them with the Linear Tube Audio Micro ZOTL MZ2 preamp/heaphone amp and ZOTL […]
By: Steve
Tue, 25 Apr 2017 18:47:00 +0000 these, have tried powered with a Rogue Cronus Magnum 2 and that was fabulous, then I tried a Odyssey Stratos SE. Wow. The tubes made the sound stage depth tangible and the midrange to die for, as would be expected with tubes and horns, the Odyssey gave it a level of smoothness that, for the money, takes my breath away. Note to buyers, keep it simple, big M3's = big room smaller M4's = smaller room. If going solid state make sure it has a high dampening factor. If going class D for sure try the amp before you buy. Although Spatial used to, and may still, show them with Red Dragon, other class D doesn't seem to match as well. In a perfect world I would go with Rogue stereo 100 and the corresponding RP5 pre amp. Alternatively, Get the best pre amp you can afford and mate it to an Odyssey solid state amp and I challenge you to produce better sound for the money
By: johntoste
Mon, 17 Apr 2017 20:16:00 +0000 have these in S.E. MA or RI?
I'd like to hear them before committing funds and time for a factory audition.
By: Steve
Fri, 14 Apr 2017 16:08:00 +0000 happen to own these speakers, am totally in love with the presentation they produce. Positioning for best results took time however, using a tape measure to move in one inch increments from the back AND side walls and toe in angle. It was quite easy to hear the difference for each adjustment. They do seem to love tubes,, a Rogue Cromagnus 2 was fabulous. However they are really best with an amp with high dampening. Currently have an Odyssey Audio Stratos that is the best yet of my experiences. I do feel that the highs are rolled off with the larger M3, the M4 works better in this regard with the compromise of slightly less bass response. Better imagining than the smaller/mid size Maggies with much better resolution so they are Maggie killers in that regard. Hearing a well recorded double bass thru these when well set up is one of audios real pleasures, at the same time you can shake your house with Pink Floyd's Great Gig in the Sky . For the money,, what a winner!!
By: Ric Escalante
Thu, 13 Apr 2017 16:34:00 +0000 a recent owner of the M3 Turbo S I couldn't be happier. This speaker seems to do almost everything very well and has the additional pluses of being easy to drive, easy lightweight placement, and very attractive. As a Dunlavy owner for many years I would say the Dunlavy's micro detail is better, BUT, these speakers sound hands down better in every other way--a very live, incisive, and a very musical sound. From chamber music to jazz to large hall symphonic portrayals I am so impressed!