Comments on: Mojo Audio Déjà vu Music Server A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Mon, 09 Mar 2020 17:14:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Benjamin Zwickel, Mojo Audio Mon, 30 Apr 2018 22:09:00 +0000 Thank you for the in-depth review Mark.

I'm quite pleased your take away was what it was.

For years I've tried to explain the importance of a music server by asking audiophiles "would you put a $1,000 turn table with a $5,000 phono preamp?"

Similarly, in the days of transports and DACs, most transports cost quite close to the same price as the matching DAC.

Today I would make a similar recommendation when it comes to music servers and DACs. I would recommend spending a similar amount on a music server as you spend on your DAC in order to get the most out of your system.

And for years I've been telling audiophiles that the quality of the original recording, editing, mixing, and mastering is significantly more important than the resolution or format the music is output in.

I'm glad you've come to a similar conclusion.

One of the reasons DSD sounds so much better than PCM with a less sophisticated digital source is that DSD has a much higher tolerance to bit errors and does a much better job at error correction in the DAC itself.

Of course the concept of our Deja Vu music server is "error prevention vs error correction."

BTW, we can offer our Deja Vu music server with any modern version of Windows or Linux. You can purchase our Deja Vu with one operating system and change to another at any time - the hardware remains the same.

Though a bit of a learning curve, some of our more experienced customers prefer our Deja Vu music server with Windows Server 2016 and Audiophile Optimizer.
