Comments on: High Fidelity CT-1 Ultimate Reference Cable System A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Fri, 23 Mar 2018 18:42:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg Petan Fri, 23 Mar 2018 18:42:00 +0000 In reply to Billy Franklin.

Great system you have there. .....It's so important to have the full system of cables, power chords Ic's and speaker wire when reviewing wire. I won't do it any other way. To many variables lead to bogus conclusions.
Shows are perhaps the worst place to evaluate just about anything. They expose people to many options but drawing conclusions is a real moving target .
At the level of both the HF and the MIT, if there are big problems, it is not with the cable, thats for sure. Often great cable reveals the true nature of the components they connect and it can be a disconcerting to hear the distortions that other cables may have disguised. This was an amazing experience musically and could be very happy either way.

By: Stephen Fleschler Fri, 23 Mar 2018 05:22:00 +0000 In reply to Billy Franklin.

I don't trust the review since I've heard the High Fidelity cables in at least five shows and now in a high end home system. You also have a high end system. Maybe they work with your solid state equipment and the Air Tight cartridge Maybe the professional version is different than the $10K each HF cables my friend has, a lot different? For 10K they should have some kind of house sound.

I think the owner had an Ikeda Kai which is a warmer sounding cartridge and had Ypsilon tube amps/pre-amp, a totally different system including the speakers.

Also, why would anyone want a pound or more of magnets on a very low voltage cable? It makes no sense from an electrical point of view. The magnetic field totally alters the low voltage signal through the wire. There are other factors using heavy magnets/low voltage signals that I am not sufficiently knowledgeable about. The owner regrets having purchased a full set of HF cables and now has heard/owns much better cabling for his system.. Grover Huffman cables are sold internationally through word of mouth and are priced ridiculously cheaply for their workmanship/design. It's the manufacturers philosophy not to overcharge audiophiles for the pleasure of hearing what is their equipment's potential

The best I've heard at half a dozen shows has been the Mastersound cables. Grover Huffman cables would be next. Triode Labs wires in shows always sounds good. Why is it that the most expensive cables from Transparent and High Fidelity ruin fine equipment at shows?

By: Billy Franklin Fri, 23 Mar 2018 02:56:00 +0000 In reply to Stephen Fleschler.

I sold my Nordost Odins for the professional level High Fidelity Cables. To my ears the difference was extreme in favor of the High Fidelity cables. This wasn’t at a visit or show. I had them at home for months for direct comparison. The venerable HP of golden eared TAS fame compared the least expensive High Fidelity cables against the top line Nordost of the day and felt the High Fidelity the champion. The professional level High Fidelity cables expose more music in my humble opinion than any other cable. Unlike MIT for example, none of the music is filtered. MITs are much like rounded tubes while High Fidelity was a Constellation exposing the whole picture. High Fidelity cables require a very long break in before they really sing and uniquely just continue to improve over time. They are also directional and require cleaning of magnetic attracted metal from the rcas between uses. The speaker cables are specific for l vs r. If careful application of the cables during setup Is not performed, they will not sound their best. My system at the time consisted of Solution 725 and 711. Trans rotor Tourbollon table with Air Tight cartridge just before Opus was unveiled. And DCS Vivaldi stack excluding Transport with Aurender w-20 and Raidho 5.1 speakers.
Trust the review. It resonates much more closely with my experiences with these two cables

By: Stephen Fleschler Sun, 18 Mar 2018 07:15:00 +0000 My comments are not meant to be derogatory, inflammatory or condescending. I just want to state what I heard. The owner of this fine audio system purchased the alternative cabling immediately. He had purchased the reviewed cables for use with his prior high end Atlas&Etna Lyra cartridges which represent ultra-detailed presentations which he was trying to tame with the High Fidelity cables. He had switched to a warmer cartridge halfway between a Lyra and a Koetsu and the result was a conflict with the High Fidelity cables.

By: Stephen Fleschler Sun, 18 Mar 2018 07:11:00 +0000 I just heard the single ended ICs and power cords in a $800,000 audio system. I didn't like it at all. The highs were hard and screechy, the bass was bloated and indistinct. Only the center seat heard good imaging. This was an all analog system with the Caliburn/Cobra all analog setup, Ypsilon/Avant Garde best equipment. We switched over, one by one, to Grover Huffman cabling. The result was a truly enjoyable experience. All manner of frequency aberrations were eliminated, bass was tight and tuneful and the sound was good for the entire 5 seat area across. We only changed out the phono-pre-amp and pre-amp to amp ICs and the same for the A/C cables. Luckily he used Nordost Odin for the speaker wire. WOW what a difference. I've heard High Fidelity cables at shows and found them wanting. Hard sounding, not well balanced. This in home demonstration confirmed my several audio show visits. I do not work for any audio related company and have a fine pair of systems of my own. I went at the invitation of a friend.

By: PositiveFeedbackDiscussions Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:44:00 +0000 All DISQUS comments must be approved at our end to appear on the site (we have the option of approving or not, marking the comment Spam, Editing the comment, or simply Deleting it—all of these are our Editorial decision, not yours) and while we get to them as quickly as possible, again be patient as it might be a few hours before it appears. Meaning no need to post twice. Please note: Comments that are derogatory, inflammatory, condescending, or simply mean and not in the spirit of conversation—that is they should add to the discussion and not detract—will not be approved or will have such comments or wording edited out for approval at our discretion. So be civil. We have no issues with a difference of opinion, but like we said, present it in a way that furthers the conversation and not one that is argumentative and demeaning.
