Comments on: Esperanto Audio Black S/PDIF Cable A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Wed, 22 May 2019 22:02:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Koolbluetwo Sat, 10 Jun 2017 13:40:00 +0000 For me one of your best lines among at least half a dozen of so is : Too many smart folks change loudspeakers when their source is the root-cause of their audio misery.

Why.....follow some forum discussions and too many have/had a $199 Brand A CD player as a tranport using that LEFTOVER a/v cable to the dac of the month or more recently PC/Mac>GENERIC USB cable>dac of the month > decent pre amp/amp > expensive speakers.......and they continually make changes! for some two decades I have made sure that my sources including cabling have been of the highest order i could afford and judge to do something out of the ordinary before i made changes at the amp/speaker end.
Yep...anyone who has come by has been entranced, amazed and sometimes in disbelief
