Comments on: Makin' Magic with Protons and Electrons - The BybeeTech Quantum Signal Enhancer A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Wed, 07 Feb 2018 21:07:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: cimond Sun, 10 Dec 2017 21:22:00 +0000 In reply to Lawrence13.

Yes the iQSE have battery according to Bybee people, it is suppose to last 5 to 10 years. But also, will be functonning like the normal QSE, when the battery will go off. What I do not like is that is not mention that the iQSE work with a watch battery ! Mis-information?

By: Lawrence13 Sun, 10 Dec 2017 16:08:00 +0000 In reply to cimond.

Hello. I meant to email somebody else !!!!!!!!! But as I've seen your post I'm wondering now as I have two IQSE's o they have a batery? I know they contain a magnet.
I'm intrigued-thanks

By: cimond Sat, 09 Dec 2017 23:09:00 +0000 What would happen when the iQSE internal battery will go out of power ? Will you have the same performance from iQSE ? Is it better to use the non powered Bybee QSE ? Have you try the first model non powered Bybee QSE ? Is somebody compare the two Bybee model ? Thank you

By: cimond Sat, 09 Dec 2017 23:04:00 +0000 In reply to Lawrence13.

What would happen when the iQSE internal battery will go out of power ? Will you have the same performance from iQSE ? Is it better to use the non powered Bybee QSE ? Have you try the first model non powered Bybee QSE ?

By: Positive Feedback Writers' Choice Awards for 2017 Wed, 29 Nov 2017 18:07:24 +0000 […] Read more HERE […]

By: iQSE Disks BybeeTech Sun, 24 Sep 2017 16:00:44 +0000 […] an affordable $150 per 4 inch x 2 inch disk. You can read a full report on these from Larry Cox in Positive Feedback. I found all new uses for these that I feel need reporting. First of all:  go buy at least two and […]

By: John Thomas Fri, 23 Jun 2017 18:19:00 +0000 In reply to Scott Maccarone.

Scott: I've never tried the WA Quantum chips or the Black Raviolis. As I understand it, the iQSE devices are altered, literally at the molecular level. I believe there is nothing to wear out, to settle in or collapse. I remain delighted with my experience of the iQSE devices after more than a month. It should be said that while imaging is an interesting trick, it's not something that is important to me, so YMMV.

By: Scott Maccarone Sat, 17 Jun 2017 01:19:00 +0000 So, the big question for me is, how is the sound stage performance after they have been installed for an extended period of time. I have the Black Ravioli isolation pads and after they settle in for two days, the sound stage expands and you get a more relaxed rounded presentation. However, after about a week the sound stage collapses and music just becomes dull and lifeless. Another similar product I have is the WA Quantum chips. Here your sound stage initially expands to a significant level with a lively sound. Then after 24 hours, the sound stage starts to collapse and music sound dull and lifeless.

So, once again, the big question for these tweaks is, how do they sound in the long run?

By: Lawrence13 Thu, 15 Jun 2017 21:03:00 +0000 In reply to Allan Auyeung.

Sorry I haven't replied sooner I've only just seen this tonight. Okay I use a desktop PC with 3 x IQSE. Hpld on I've just got nack from Hastings where we tried the iQSE's on his system Fantastic. If you don't mind I'll get back tomorrow with more details and some images

By: Dave Radlauer Thu, 15 Jun 2017 16:08:00 +0000 In reply to Lawrence13.

Try a couple on your mains fuse box. You'll be blown away!

The benefits of iQSE blocs are improved overall detail and dynamics. Bass coherence and punch, especially the leading edge of low bass is enhanced. Accelerated bass attack is noticeable enough to change the apparent pacing of familiar music in my system. Better definition of instruments and the space around them.

Location cues are more vivid, apparent listening space is expanded with added depth behind the speakers. Sonic images have greater lateral extension outside the speakers helping the “disappearing act.” I perceive the music floating more freely, yet at the same time more solid and better grounded. In fact, these are the general qualities that Bybee products have consistently contributed to my systems for years.

My current David Berning OTL tube monoblock amplifiers and preamp have proven remarkably resistant to most tweaks; they responded mildly positively to iQSE. But my loudspeakers reacted vividly.

Attaching them to Legacy Focus SE speakers with sticky tack low in back at the terminal panels (presumably near the crossovers) noticeably enhances bass thrust, speed and slam. Placement at top front edge of the speaker subtly encourages a silky midrange presence and a smoothly shimmering top end; the combination taking performance to a new level. In fact I took the trade-off of moving two iQSE from the monoblocks in order to have four on the loudspeakers.

I achieved best overall results deploying all eight iQSE samples (and bought them all). One was placed in the DAC, one in the preamp, two on each loudspeakers and two were placed at the fuse panel.

One of the more striking demonstrations of iQSE was quite unexpected. Among Bybee’s early adopters one reported success with inserting iQSE at the inputs and outputs of a house electrical utility meter. Not having access to the meter leads I stuck 2, 3 or 4 of the mildly magnetic gizmos onto the face of the breaker switch panel.

Wow, the effect was not subtle, richly multiplying the benefits mentioned above. Surprisingly, images on television from the cable box and DVD player (excluded from my AC conditioner) were more vivid. Greater color saturation and detail were conspicuous.

Keep in mind this is a recently updated home electrical system. My audio gear is treated with expensive AC power conditioning by Synergistic Research. Household circuit-quieting products from Acoustic Revive, High Fidelity and Akiko are deployed, a stunning demonstration of the efficacy and potential of this technology. Apparently iQSE is a powerful enhancement to household electrical systems. Naturally, your mileage may vary.

By: Allan Auyeung Fri, 26 May 2017 01:02:00 +0000 Thx Larry. I am going to order 2 iQSE and try that myself.

By: Allan Auyeung Sun, 21 May 2017 00:54:00 +0000 Larry, can you post some pictures on how you were applying the IQSE to the components in your system? thx.

By: Lawrence13 Sat, 20 May 2017 21:39:00 +0000 Hello Larry you emailed me the other day as I had a label problem with purchasing an iQSE here in the UK from Audiocom, there was some confusion as to whether I
actually purchased the iQSE-well I did it turned up Thursday lunchtime.
My Present System
I run a desk top PC with a asus xonar sound card which if it wasn't for the Asus software's graphic equaliser I'd run straight into the DAC usb out but I love my Home made variation of the Hedlund Horns , I extrapoloated up from the Lowther super acousta cabinet where each speaker contains two DX4's. Cabinets are rear loaded horn 7' tall s the horn is about 12' in length. So these speakers are super efficient and when measuring FR I like to use the asus equaliser just a tad.
Anyhow the PC is window's 7 ultimate, xonar sound card coax out to a wyred 4 sound 'remedy' clocking device and then to a W4S SE DSD DAC. I then go balanced out to phono and a line level isolation transformer as I like what it does. From there the signal goes to a very good upgraded musical fidelity valve line stage X10D and then into the Lavardin IS Ref amp. Now it's taken years to get the sound closer to what I would like, why I even purchased the Audioquest Dragonfly. Oh and I have one of the first quantum symphony devices. So its a very revealing system as it all finishes up through the double lowther horns and a REL stadium sub. I also run a very heavily modded Linn Sondek (my mod an idler wheel and bloody good if I say so myself) Then I have a balanced mains transformer and various silver plaited and kimber cables.
I would also high light the Lavardin amp which claims to have conquered circuit memory distortion (a bit like Jack Bybee's thoughts)
Okay there's 40 odd years experience in Hi-Fi in that lot and I still can't get back to the excitement of my first system all those years ago.
I would also say I've looked at jacks products for well over ten years and I very much agreed with his philosophy that there was far more going on than we knew and a PC and so much digital gear now it really does seem to me a total messy electrical environment so I was slowly being drawn to take the plunge and buy an iQSE after reading your review, however after years of my upgrades and never really being bowled over by any of them I was very cynical but hey it might help , so I ordered one.
Using the iQSE
Well last Thursday lunchtime just the one iQSE turned up I eagerly unwrapped it ( was halfway varnishing a floor at the time) and as I was pushed for time no standing on ceremony I placed it sticky label side but with the cover still on directly in the PC tower on the asus sound card, sat down and waited to be underwhelmed. All I can say is from the first flac I played I was astonished and eagerly kept trying tracks to see if A) it was my imagination and B) if it was consistent. All I can say is since Thursday afternoon through to Saturday evening in the UK even as I type, I am still knocked sideways.
My first worry was that often what seems in many cases an improvement after a day or the next morning the effect seems to decay. That maybe because the electrical pollution is low at night and far higher in the daytime plus other factors like noise and vibrations. Anyhow Friday morning I play it and play then most of the day as it is so fantastic.
I would also say that the way this iQSE seems to open up the music like never before with instruments taking on colour, and all standing out apart from each other playing in their own space but there is a 'life' to everything that was never there before. It's like that sound you get when you pick up an acoustic guitar you hear the ambience of the wooden sound box and the strings ever so low singing along. It in my humble experience has been so hard for hi-fi to recreate that sound of a room or venue now with the one iQSE its doing it in spades. With all the gear and mods I have upgraded to over my hi-fi life I can honestly say this is the one that has made the largest leap forward in musical pleasure.
For example yesterday afternoon I played the late great Lenny Cohen's 'Live' album from his world tour in the early nineties. I can honestly say it was the best I have ever heard that album it was magnificent the whole system seemed like an open window time machine and being there when the songs were preformed. Now I know this sounds corny and yucky but I was so stunned at what I was hearing in my lounge, coupled with Lenny passing last year it made me cry it was a moving experience and every component in my system just gelled and soared magnificently to a level I have never heard before. Yes it sounds daft and the objectivist snake oil protagonist would call me an idiot that I'd imagined it all, it was all in the mind. Well I don't care because for me the iQSE at 140 quid made a bigger difference and impact than my over 3 grand Lavardin amp which has received untold accolades as a magical amp.
My take on it as I try to rationalise this magic fairy dust that the iQSE seems to sprinkle on every track is: a PC for playing music is one of the noisiest environments you could use and the iQSE has made sense of a chaotic mess and my other components are now getting a vastly superior electrical signal. As I type I'm listening to Lenny's 'I'm your Man'. I have never heard it so 'right' every wonderful note, instrument, voice and crowd sound is there in front of me and at the sides and seemingly all around, so I can immerse myself in not just the song but the occasion; that's how bloody marvelous the iQSE is in my system.
A friend popped in this afternoon and I wanted him to hear the system. We played Dean Martin 'You're Nobody Until Somebody Loves' you a DSD but played through Foobar at 96khz but it didn't matter it was like you were there with Dean as he was impatient to finish and rush off for some golf. Man I was immersed in a sea of glorious sound; I cannot stop gushing about this device. Anyhow we played Dean, Nat King Cole 'Walking My baby Back Home', Ray Charles 'Lucky Old Sun' and some 96khz 24bit Louis and Ella singing 'They Can't take That away From Me' and they bloody can't it was an experience to behold.
Do you know what I'm worried sick the magic will disappear, even when I showed my mate the iQSE I was afraid to move from where I plonked it Thursday on the sound card ; in case I lost the magic because that's what it seems like bloody magic , enchantment with every piece of music.
As I'm in the UK Audiocom only had the one iQSE which I've now have but soon as stocks are in I'm having another two immediately, if they improve still further then who knows . I have tried almost every gadget and upgrade like the Gryphon De-Magnetiser, hundreds of cable and interconnects, Peter Belt, new arms, modded arms. Cartridge De -Magnetisers , balanced mains transformer , separate plaited40amp hi fi spur.
Rubber feet, hard feet, torlyte supports , marble supports, amplifier upgrades , speaker upgrades, mains conditioners, auidioquest Dragonfly and so on and none not one has had the impact of the 2x4x1/2 inch light as a feather iQSE , I really cannot believe what this thing has done. I know want to go and look after Jack help take any strain off his life as I want him to keep working on this stuff as it is a F&^king miracle .
