Comments on: Niemen, NIEMEN, or the Red album, or Człowiek jam niewdzięczny A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Wed, 22 May 2019 21:57:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Takashi Matsuzawa Mon, 18 Feb 2019 17:38:00 +0000 Thank you for the English article - this is the first time I read about Niemen disks in such details.
In fact I am the one who bought Andromeda disks of Niemen - when I visited Warsaw in early 2000's, I could not find none of his original titles at CD shop,
but at road-side market I picked those 'legal-pirate' ones.

Well, not sure if Disk Union preparing paper sleeves and boxes is a good thing.

Good to hear new remasters are in good shape (in fact I have the Niemen Vol 1/2 of it - my most favorite title of his).

My hope now is, two tiles in his later carreer - namely "Przeprowadzka" and "Terra Deflorata" to be released in authorized CD and made accessible to everyone.
