Comments on: Roon Headless on a NAS with the microRendu: An Important Follow-up
A Creative Forum for the Audio ArtsMon, 09 Mar 2020 17:15:03 +0000
By: Zaq K
Tue, 10 Jan 2017 09:44:00 +0000 interesting Tom as I have a totally different situation in my Qnap, a 453 Pro with 8GB of Ram, using 4.3.2. of course
Cpu usage was high or relatively high during the scanning of my files, around 37k, performing everything needed in case you want to apply volume levelling, equalisation or displaying waveforms.
After this initial scan finished, cpu usage dropped and is now in normal levels, even while streaming to an endpoint and listening music directly on my system.
My only worry is the ram usage as sometimes it reaches above 1.5GB
By: Steve Brooks
Mon, 09 Jan 2017 19:50:00 +0000 fear this is going to be an ongoing issue....the new release of Roon looks like it will be more processor intensive. More computations for dsp and MQA to name a few. I guess in the end, you can still use your NAS if you need to pony up to a music server and you are only out the cost of the ram that you used to upgrade. Enjoy your music!! I should have mine up in a few days and I'm excited.