Comments on: Impressions:  A Reference System from TIDAL Audio A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Wed, 07 Feb 2018 19:25:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: 1000 Years Western Music Wed, 07 Feb 2018 19:25:45 +0000 […] reviewed Doug White and TIDAL Audio back in November of 2016. You can read David Robinson's review HERE.] I volunteered to put together a playlist of high-resolution classical tracks that could do […]

By: GamuT Reference System Sun, 18 Jun 2017 16:17:34 +0000 […] As is usual, the logistics of arranging something as complicated as a full-system review is no laughing matter. In fact, normally I do no more than one of these per year. In 2016, however, I went a little crazy, shame on me:  I brought in two reference-grade complete systems. Early in the year I did the fantastic TIDAL Audio reference electronics with the beautiful Agoria loudspeakers (see my review in Issue 88, Nov/Dec 2016, HERE). […]

By: Audio Oasis Awards AXPONA 2017 Tue, 30 May 2017 15:57:08 +0000 […] first-rate high-end gear. I've previously reviewed TIDAL Audio back in Issue 88, which you can read HERE. It was stellar in my listening room then:  the same electronics as in the room at AXPONA, except […]

By: David W. Robinson Mon, 20 Mar 2017 22:35:00 +0000 In reply to Audiocrack.

Doug White is really talking up the Akira's big time. With the TIDAL cables in place, I'll be able to hear the differences that these steps up will have over the Agoria/Presencio/Impulse system that I heard in my own listening room.

TIDAL does have a remarkable edge in their visual beauty. What knock-out finishes. They are the best that I've ever seen, in that regard.

I'll be talking about my impressions of the TIDAL room in my AXPONA 2017 report, of a certainty...stay tuned!

Dr. David

By: Audiocrack Mon, 20 Mar 2017 05:24:00 +0000 In reply to David W. Robinson.

Thanks David for your kind words.The Tidal Akira loudspeakers are fantastic sounding transducers. They employ the same (and unique) diamond midrange woofer driver as is being used in the LA's, albeit only one per speaker in stead of two per LA speaker. Hopefully the (acoustic) conditions at Axpona 2017 are good enough so that you can get a really good impression how good the Akira really is. Good to hear Doug will be using the Tidal cables; imho they combine perfectly with the Tidal speakers. Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder but the Akira's are one of the most beautiful looking loudspeakers in the complete Tidal line of speakers. Looking forward to your listening impressions!

By: David W. Robinson Sun, 19 Mar 2017 19:47:00 +0000 In reply to Audiocrack.

Thanks for your kind comments.

If you have the La Assolutas, then I assume that you spend time in heavenly audio places every day! Enjoy.

As to the TIDAL cables: Unfortunately, we did not have the entire system cabled with the TIDAL line of cables. I am sure that they would add to the force of my comments, though not changing their essential thrust. I'll be visiting the TIDAL room at AXPONA 2017 and visiting with Doug White, though, and he says that he will have a complete set of TIDAL cables in the system. I'm looking forward to hearing the results with their new Akira loudspeakers, which are only one step down from the La Assolutas.

Dr. David

By: Audiocrack Sun, 19 Mar 2017 05:49:00 +0000 Thanks for this review. Although I never played with the Agoria speakers at home I have been using Tidal loudspeakers for many years. Started with the Sunray speakers and now I am one of the lucky owners of Tidal's state of the art speakers: the La Assoluta's. However, the reason for my reaction is primarely the (pretty new) Tidal cables that I employing at the moment: I am really impressed by them. Do I understand you correctly that you were really impressed with these Tidal cables as well?

By: Robinson's Brutus Awards Tue, 20 Dec 2016 17:43:11 +0000 […] Jim Aud's Dominus 20A AC Reference Power Cable was a key player during my evaluation of the terrific TIDAL Audio reference system in the first quarter of this year. (See my review here.) […]

By: Robinson's Brutus Awards Third Fri, 16 Dec 2016 04:13:17 +0000 […] wrote up my comments on the remarkable TIDAL Audio system that I heard in the first quarter of 2016 back in early November in this issue. They were quite a […]
