Comments on: PS Audio's New Huron Operating System for the DirectStream Junior DAC
A Creative Forum for the Audio ArtsThu, 01 Feb 2018 01:53:29 +0000
By: John Arango
Fri, 07 Jul 2017 22:27:00 +0000'm using a Directstream and 2 Juniors to decode SACD's (with the PS Audio Directstream Player as a source). With Huron, the sound is simply amazing. I have very quiet air conditioning in my listening room, and a different system for surrounding rooms. I now have shut down both air conditioners to hear the softest notes on such disks as the Beethoven's 5th (Pittsburgh) from Reference Recordings or the Sibelius 3rd (Minnesota) from BIS (finally reproduced with correct polarity due to the polarity switches on the 3 PS Audio units). If you set the volume on these disks so you can just hear the softest notes, fortes are overwhelming--like being in orchestra (no exaggeration-I play in one).