Comments on: Roger Skoff Writes About Building a New System:  Where to Start A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Mon, 05 Feb 2024 23:47:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roger Skoff Mon, 07 Jan 2019 18:20:00 +0000 In reply to socrates35.

When you're making a recording, you use the cables that you have and you change your control settings, your mics, your mic positioning, or whatever else you have to, to make it sound right on your monitoring system. In short, you compensate for your cables just as you compensate for everything else to make the recording sound good or accurate or whatever your sonic goal may be. After the recording is made, however, you can't compensate IN the recording, so you either compensate FOR the recording or take it as it is and comment on its sonics as you get them. For your information, more and more top recording and movie studios are using upgraded cables as a recognized source of improvement in sound quality, and finding that it works. RSX is already in the planning stage for a line of professional cables intended specifically for that market, so you can plan on hearing better-sounding recording sometime in the near future.

By: Roger Skoff Mon, 07 Jan 2019 18:08:00 +0000 In reply to Xtreministry.

I agree absolutely. As I wrote in another publication, some years ago I wanted to give a system as a gift to my sister, who had nothing at all other than her TV. I also wanted to be able to do it for no more than five hundred dollars for the whole thing. (This was probably back in the 1980s, when $500 was still worth something.) The way I did it was, just as you describe, to use the flaws of one part of the system to compensate for opposite flaws in another part. (Using a too "bright" Thing A to compensate for too "dark" Thing B) This worked just fine,, and, because my sister would never be upgrading the system, was all that was needed to give her an enjoyable home music source. In this article, I make a different assumption, though: I assume that the system WILL be changed and upgraded over time. If you start out using your cables as "tone controls" to tame a system flaw, when you fix that flaw with an unflawed (or flawed in a different way) other component, you will then have to change your cables to eliminate what was a positive benefit before. That means buying more cables. If your cable choice is neutral to begin with, that additional (and possibly multiply repetitive) need will be eliminated and you'll have the further benefit of actually being able to hear what your other stuff sounds like so you can make your upgrade decisions effectively and not have to keep on making the same changes (preamp after preamp or whatever else after whatever else) over and over again, spending more and more money every time.

By: Xtreministry Mon, 07 Jan 2019 04:38:00 +0000 I totally agree with your view Roger, 100% correct. Cables are the veins that supply vital blood to the organs. If the cables are not neutral, they will add something to the music, however this is only good for systems that are inherently well tuned, synergised and matched in the correct room/environment. For instance I recently helped a poor audiophile friend (by poor I mean he doesn't have two cents to rub together), so in order to get some sweetness from his system, I used tinned copper "vintage-type" cables to dial in some warmth, this consisted of hookup-wire for internal mods, some interconnects which I built also consisting of tinned plated copper wire, and upgraded his amplifier caps and components to dial in further sweetness in his previously very lean and dry sounding system. So in my case, I played doctor with this particular "patient". Is it neutral? nop, is it as faithful to the original source? nop, but his system is only worth $1200, so the bottom line is, is he happy with his system, hell yeah! His system almost ended up on second-hand websites, now he can't get enough of it. Voices are textured and full of harmonic beauty, the tone is better than most high-end systems I know of, conveying the emotion in ways very few systems can. It's gorgeously synergised and fine-tuned, also lucky for him, he has tubes in his set-up which opens up a large scope for fine-tuning. So when/if need be, I firmly believe that cables can be tuning devices for most systems, especially those poorly sorted. Flogging the equipment is not a solution for those who can't afford it. In my case, my system is very well sorted and tweaked, this is why I can get away with ultra neutral cables. Keep up the good work Roger! 😉

By: socrates35 Thu, 03 Jan 2019 20:59:00 +0000 Just ask yourself: what equipment/ cables do the recording engineers use in the studio, or the sound engineers use in the mixing/ mastering process? If it's good enough for them, it should be good enough for the end consumer. I'd prefer to spend money on things like room treatment, primarily through the rapidly advancing technology of DSP. Of course people have very different priorities (and budgets) so there as many different paths to one's personal audio nirvana as there are audio gurus offering infallible ways of getting there.

By: Steve Thu, 03 Jan 2019 16:06:00 +0000 Roger, this year I've substantial change in personal circumstances. The addition of new woman in my life has changed my living space needs. So gave my son my high maintenance system he loved as much as I do. I will replace it with a laptop and active speakers with digital inputs. To audition these speakers I will bring the laptop, a USB cable (on spec), a USB/AES adapter and AES cables.

I'll visit various dealers and manufacturers around the country plug in and listen. I appreciate your article about how to audition.

By: Roger Skoff Writes About Building a New System: Where to Start – Thu, 03 Jan 2019 11:06:44 +0000 […] Are you going to put together a new High-End audio system? Start with the cables! Read on to find out why this can give you better sound and save you thousands of dollars, now and in the future. My na… ( read original story …) […]
