Comments on: Audio Ramblings - The WyWires Diamond Loudspeaker Cables A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Sat, 11 Aug 2018 23:15:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: GeneZ Sat, 11 Aug 2018 23:15:00 +0000 One of Litz's virtues is that it avoids the commonly heard high frequency 'tizz' effect that standard stranded cables produce. We hear "tizz', because of signal 'strand hopping' that takes place when all the strands in a regular cable are not individually insulated from one other like Litz is. Cymbals sound real all of a sudden. Some may say it sounds duller because they have grown accustomed to that high frequency 'tizz' effect. Yes... they are honest sounding cables. I use WyWires balanced cables and they sound even purer than the solid core silver over copper variety I tried.

By: peter jasz Sun, 25 Jun 2017 03:52:00 +0000 In reply to PositiveFeedbackDiscussions.

Great. Thanks.

By: PositiveFeedbackDiscussions Fri, 23 Jun 2017 19:18:00 +0000 In reply to peter jasz.

Reference cables are listed in the System Description by clicking on the author's name. These include Kubala-Sosna Emotion, Skogrand Beethoven, Purist Audio Neptune, etc..

By: PositiveFeedbackDiscussions Fri, 23 Jun 2017 18:00:00 +0000 Comments that are derogatory, inflammatory, condescending, or simply mean and not in the spirit of conversation—that is they should add to the discussion and not detract—will not be approved or will have such comments or wording edited out for approval at our discretion. So be civil. We have no issues with a difference of opinion, but like we said, present it in a way that furthers the conversation and not one that is argumentative and demeaning.

By: peter jasz Tue, 20 Jun 2017 11:24:00 +0000 In reply to PositiveFeedbackDiscussions.

Thank you for your (detailed) reply.

That's an interesting resume. I particularly like the "first paycheck" story !
I knew, and know the feeling.

Indeed, you have the experience. I can only presume some of the equipment you have retained (over the years) is beyond its "best before" date ?

Although your reply took me down memory lane, it failed to answer the more important concern (as originally requested in my last reply), namely:

1) "Please tell us the speaker wire you have purchased as your reference." (addendum: Or used "a" reference.)

2) Offering up a review on $7K speaker wire without referencing any of the above is weak --at best.
In fact, it's absurd. Dave, at $8K, its priced the same as a real decent used car. And then you suggest they'd be competitive with $16K speaker cable !

(Which ones/models ?)

One's listening preferences is not important, although referencing something about the genre, recording or (at the very least) format is. Otherwise, how do readers know if you are (or not) listening to hacked vinyl records from garage sales ?

Although you've been around, on the basis of your recent reviews, I suspect you "dropped out" for a while.

In any event, please tell us the equipment used in the evaluation and both the competing speaker cables and those the Wywyres compete with in the fourteen-fifteen thousand dollar range.

Thank you.

peter jasz

By: peter jasz Tue, 20 Jun 2017 04:45:00 +0000 In reply to lou hinkley.

Hi Mr. Hinkley: That was considerate of you to reply. It answers one of my questions regarding Mr. Clark's experience.

However, since I know not of (nor any other reader it must be assumed) David Clark, he must (as any one else), qualify his recommendations.

I'd like to reply to your thoughts.comments, that I'll quote:

" ..... when Dave says something sounds right I know that I can trust his judgment, I don't need him to tear one product down to praise another."

First point: Unless Dave has evaluated $7K-$15K speaker cables, you should not (automatically) " trust his judgment ", if he cannot reference similarly priced cables !

Secondly, by offering up comparable makes/models does NOT imply he must "tear one product down to praise another". It simply would tell readers he knows a thing or two about premium offerings, and how they compare or differ. Bear in mind Lou, readers (let's hope not too many) look to "reviews" for some insight --and professional opinions. That requires experience, time and effort.

For a "professional" (make that any experienced) reviewer to offer up absolutely no background on cable design (theory, metallurgy, winding topology, dielectric/sheathing) or to list, or at least comment upon, competing models results in a great disservice to the reader. The following also casts serious doubt:

" So back it up a bit… tell me something about the Diamond cables. Okay, they are of a Litz design that stresses air over dielectric, natural materials (cotton) over artificial, copper over some other metallurgy, passive shielding over physical (in the sense of geometry and such versus heavy shielding via whatever), multiples of small gauges over a massively solid… all chosen by ear and measurements."

I apologize for dissing such a fine man, but, are you kidding! What kind of wording or paragraph is that ? I'll tell you. It's one where the author is both scrambling and reaching for terms he himself does not understand. I have no problem with that, if one states as much. Not so here. Does that represent credibility, class, judgment ? Your words Lou !

Additionally, I don't recall if Mr. Clark listed the audio equipment used for the evaluation ?

That he's a wonderful man with mature experience should represent a major PLUS for readers and audio enthusiasts. This review did not instill confidence that one was reading a carefully executed, detailed or well-crafted piece from an experienced reviewer/listener. Additionally, it failed miserably in its attempt to qualify a seven-thousand dollar loudspeaker cable from one who made no reference that he has ever auditioned, let alone reviewed (or owned) similarly expensive cables.

Please say and understand seven-thousand dollar wires ! Competing with those costing $14,000. (fourteen thousand dollars) a pair. Once we do, my grilling should become more obvious --and understandable.

I can't seem to let this one go. Let's take another example, QUOTE:

" I really, really like these cables and see them competing with those costing twice what WyWires is asking. In that sense, one should consider them a bargain. At $7999 for an eight-foot pair ... " It sounds like he's chatting with his pals !

In any case, a "class act" offers up far more than (such dubious) words from one who (quote) "sees them competing with those costing twice what Wywyres is asking". What ones, at $14K ?
Without knowledge of competing products, and no reference to his prior listening evaluations, nor alternative recommendations puts his credentials seriously and sourly in doubt. This review is the farthest from a "class act" as could be imagined.

I await Mr. Clark's thoughts.

peter jasz

By: lou hinkley Mon, 19 Jun 2017 21:23:00 +0000 Peter, What you seem to be asking for and disappointed that you didn't get is "an audio shootout". Fortunately Dave has more class than to transform a straight up review into a brand name shootout.
I know Dave and Carol and they listen to live music as well as a plethora of audio systems, when Dave says something sounds right I know that I can trust his judgement, I don't need him to tear one product down to praise another.
As a disclaimer, I am an audio manufacturer (with 25 years in business), and I am very particular as to who in the press I can trust. Dave Clark is the posterchild for integrity in the audio press world.

By: PositiveFeedbackDiscussions Mon, 19 Jun 2017 19:43:00 +0000 In reply to peter jasz.

Cables... speaker? The higher end products from Nordost, Kubala-Sosna, JPS, Cardas, WyWires, Audio Magic, Sablon, Skogrand, Locus Design, Luminous Audio, etc... of which they compete with the Skogrands and any others noted above. Different but just as good as getting the music across. My reference cables are what is noted in my system listing. Dave Clark

By: PositiveFeedbackDiscussions Mon, 19 Jun 2017 19:38:00 +0000 In reply to peter jasz.

Well gee... since you seem to be picking apart only my reviews... I am 62 years old and have, since 1982 (when we first put together a modest system: NAD 3140, DCM Timewindows, AR turntable, DIY silver speaker cables) been 'seriously' into audio. My wife is as well, as she insisted first paycheck with a new job be put towards buying that system. We have owned quite a lot of different audio-related 'items' over the years (Cary, Blue Circle, Clayton, Muse, Adcom, Apogee, Cardas, Kimber, JPS, Nordost, and many others - of which a good number are still here and listed in our system description on the site). We started an Audio Society (at the time being the Greater South-bay Audiophile Society which is now the LA/OC Audio Society ran by Bob Levi) here in LB way back in like 1992. After a few years we launched a print publication audioMusings that, after a number of years, merged with Positive Feedback some 12 years ago to go online where we are partners with David and his wife Lila.
Carol and I are both well-known and respected in the industry, having been a part for the past 25 years and counting. We have attended, as Press, CES, RMAF, CAS, and other such regional shows.
Collectively, Carol and I have reviewed countless products over the past 25 years though we prefer to listen to music and not components. I have no airs about my writing as I do consider myself a hack at best - and how I write is how I think and speak, which I guess makes me both a hack speaker and thinker. We are not typical audiophiles in that our music preferences fall outside of the norm for the vast majority of audiophiles - hence I avoid mentioning what I listen to within the reviews. Dave Clark

By: peter jasz Mon, 19 Jun 2017 18:08:00 +0000 Dave: What comparisons have you made ? What other cables would you recommend ?
In fact, what other speaker cables have you used, know intimately (spent time with) ?

As I re-read your words, I saw this, quote:
" ....They do not add anything to the music… at least compared to other reference cables I have had here. What they do is pretty much get out of the way with as little editorializing as one could ask for from a cable."
With no comparisons to other cables (no references given) the above quote is a ridiculous assertion. As is, quote:
" .....I really, really like these cables and see them competing with those costing twice what WyWires is asking. In that sense, one should consider them a bargain. At $7999 for an eight-foot pair .... ".
A eight-thousand dollar (speaker wire) bargain. Thanks for telling us we should consider it a bargain. Please tell us the speaker wire you have purchased as your reference.

Offering up a review on $7K speaker wire without referencing any of the above is weak --at best.
In fact, it's absurd. Dave, at $8K, its priced the same as a real decent used car. And then you suggest they'd be competitive with $16K speaker cable ! (Which ones/models ?)

Since I don't necessarily like picking apart reviews, I finally have to ask you your age, years of experience --anything that would tell us/readers your qualifications --to report.

Depending on your reply, I'll either continue to reply, or leave you alone until you gain some much needed experience.

peter jasz
