Comments on: Audio Ramblings - The Sutherland DUO Phono Stage A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Sat, 24 Mar 2018 17:09:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: PositiveFeedbackDiscussions Fri, 23 Jun 2017 18:01:00 +0000 Comments that are derogatory, inflammatory, condescending, or simply mean and not in the spirit of conversation—that is they should add to the discussion and not detract—will not be approved or will have such comments or wording edited out for approval at our discretion. So be civil. We have no issues with a difference of opinion, but like we said, present it in a way that furthers the conversation and not one that is argumentative and demeaning. Thanks for reading.

By: peter jasz Fri, 23 Jun 2017 16:04:00 +0000 Hi Dave: Your favorite reader here.

Sutherland makes some excellent products, the build quality on offer here as it should be.

Yet, referring to the owner's/designer's/ or Importers as long-time pals is not wise for any review to be seen (or indeed be) impartial. Oh, good point, who said these reviews are to be impartial.

I noticed you referring to designer Mr. Sutherland as "Ron" all-to-frequently throughout this review. You similarly (and perhaps not unsurprisingly) also spoke of the Wywires guy in equally "chummy" terms.
This casts immediate doubt into the impartiality reviews should impart to the reader. Not so with the two reviews you authored and I referenced above.

That they're nice guys I couldn't care less. Nor should you. There's plenty of opportunity (above and beyond the review itself) for such chatty and meaningless interpretations --as personality characteristics. It would be here, for example, where you could espouse "Ron's" quality personality.
In fact, re-reading, I note you did not even introduce Ron --who he is, his full name, position within the company or any other introduction ?

It must surely be out of the long-standing respect you have earned (I'm being serious) that you are asked to write/review. I say, "move over", let some new-blood take over ...

peter jasz
