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Positive Feedback’s DSD seminar at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2015

09-26-2015 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 81

Positive Feedback will once again be hosting, and I will be moderating, a panel on DSD at RMAF 2015.

This year we'll be exploring a different aspect of DSD. Our seminar title is "DSD: The artist and the studio perspectives." We'll be discussing what performing artists and producers/audio engineers have to say about their experiences with DSD, and how it makes a difference in what we hear in our audio system.

The session will be held on Saturday, October 3, from 4-6 p.m. in the main seminar room at the Marriott Tech Center.


Cookie Marenco of Blue Coast Records and Dominique Brulhart of Merging Technologies at RMAF 2014

Panel members will include Cookie Marenco of Blue Coast Records, Gus Skinas of The Super Audio Center, and Ray Kimber of IsoMike and Kimber Kable.


Gus Skinas of The Super Audio Center

Cookie will be bringing Fiona Joy, a pianist with Blue Coast Records, to participate.


Quiles and Cloud (photograph courtesy of Blue Coast Records)

Also participating from Blue Coast Records will be Quiles & Cloud, who will perform several songs for us. These will be recorded at our session to DSD via a DSD recorder; we hope to make these recordings available on Sunday in one of the DSD-equipped rooms (to be announced).


Fan-Ya Lin

Ray Kimber of IsoMike and Kimber Kables will bring the brilliant pianist, Fan-Ya Lin, who will discuss her work and DSD. Ray has done some important collaboration with her...this will be a real addition to our panel.

Better and better! I love her artistry!

Don't miss this seminar! It will be quite different from the usual audiophile show fare….

(Photographs by David W. Robinson, unless otherwise noted)